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Second Knowledge Fair - a step towards dream fulfillment

Avani Sanstha's Smile team has been working in the context of SALT in Kandgaon, Nandwal, Vashi villages for the past few years. The reason behind writing this blog is that we get a mental satisfaction after we work. But after starting SALT, our emotions are also attached to the work. Similar sentiments connected with the people of the village because of our SALT.

Global Fund for Children President John and Tiyas visited our organization. On this occasion 'Mini Knowledge Fair' program was organized for the people of Vashi, Nandwal, Kandgaon. 100 people from all villages were present in this. These included men, women, adolescents, children, village leaders and Aanganwadi workers. They shared the action they took after SALT and CLCP process. Sharing two examples from Vashi village where i facilitate.

Challenging gender norms In this event, Vashi Anganwadi Sevika said that Gudipadwa is traditionally celebrated as New Year in Maharashtra which marks arrival of spring. Gudi means flag.It is a bright, colorful silk scarf-like cloth tied at the top of a long bamboo.On the day of Gudi Padwa, people hoist Gudi flags outside their homes. Widows are barred from hoisting the Gudi. The Anganwadi Sevika said that SALT made her realize every on brings value to the community and at times its women who follow practices which harm other women. Therefore in 2023 on  that Gudipadwa she invited a widow woman of taking down the Gudhi. And the old tradition was broken. Thus we see that Anganwadi workers themselves are starting to bring about change.

Improved communication within families
A mother from Vashi village mentioned the changes caused by SALT conversations with children and their families. Younger children try to copy older children  rather than their parents. With increasing alcohol consumption by youth in the village, the children are also getting influenced.  But with SALT in the family, communication between mothers, fathers and children has grown, now there are more family conversations. Children begin to understand the difference between good and bad. The family began to share their thoughts.  

Villages contributed food for the Knowledge Fair People of the village felt that they had also had to contribute to the KF. Some voluntarily offered cooking materials for this event. In the KF we served vegetable biryani. The villagers provided 15 kg of rice and vegetables. Avani staff had to buy condiments and cook the biryani and pack it. Because this was not only the program of Avani Sanstha but it belonged to the entire village. The program went well.
We learned how SALT affects people's minds and motivates them in life.

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Comment by Sneha Farzana on March 28, 2024 at 9:36am

It's amazing 

Comment by Shahrukh Atpade on March 28, 2024 at 8:32am

thank you @sadia jafrin, @Rituu B. Nanda

Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on March 27, 2024 at 3:45pm

31st blog Shahrukh! Wow!

How do we get others in the community to challenge harmful practices? 

Comment by Sadia Jafrin on March 27, 2024 at 3:37pm


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