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Community, families, individual can find solution to their issues that affects the way of living, what they only need is accompaniment .
Kenya competence trust host TENWEK organization 2 days for a salt visit in Kithituni to learn and also share experiences ,As a local team we take them through our time line since 1999 ,we tell what has been the motivation and the challenges along the journey .we become one community on the first day ,we mingle as family ,there is live in the process .
TENWEK time to takes us through their time line and experience from .
We have been in the community for 30 yrs as service providers; we went to the community with our own genders .but after assessment we found no impact ,we even realized that we cannot sustain the hand outs we were giving people in future .we started asking questions what next then ?.eventually we had some path ,why not start networking with organizations that have been in the community and have sustain their way and communities have owned their issues .We were introduced to Aids competence process by Kenya competence trust ,this is our second time in kithituni for salt visit ,We have intergrated SALT approach to our way of working, it has worked in the community we respond to invitation and go learn from communities agendas ,communities families and individuals have dreams ,our role as organization is to accompany and keep them focused ,its no longer a theory its practical this is a very interactive approach we have stories of change in communities ,families and even individuals ---------{they share three stories of change}.
This verbatim carries my day ,its true we can change our ways of working and even influence organizations .As a salt practioner im motivated and inspired, this is what keeps us going and wanting ever to remain salty
Transfer happens naturally for an example if a community is faced with a certain concern------ ,during community conversation some of community members might have a heard that a certain community was faced with this problem and they managed solving it ------then what follows the community that has demonstrated competence will be invited to help the affected community to share their experience .
An organization,community or individuals can also be immersed in a local community that has demonstrated competence for a 0ne two or three day process to learn and share, the outcome lessons are taken by the organization for application.
Transfer can also happen through relationship ,people will talk share during their social time what is happen community the success stories and lessons are taken for application by the individuals .
Rituu i will be happen to share the pictures will try my level best to get some
Dear Abednego,
Thanks for these inspiring stories. I am going to share with my team here in India. How do you initiate transfer from one community to another?
With stories from Onesmus and you I am so very eager to visit Kithituni. Would you like to share some photos from your community? The children's club? Asante Sana.
This are just demonstrations that have been successful in one community ,we are also celebrating the transfer of this of this experience to more than 72 other communities .
Its a journey full of motivation ,people no longer live in fear we have demonstrated we can address issues ,not only HIV but other issues that affect us .
I invite you for a salt visit Kithituni and experience the stories of competence in a local set up
Thanks Rituu,
My experience tells me ownerships in communities ,families, and individuals is when there is a shared concern ,they will sit down with a shared vision, they will draw or name actions that are within their means ---look at their strengths that they have to address the concern --they will then pursue the action start addressing the concern ----after some time they will do self assessment ----know where they and plan for further actions .
Kithituni community has really demonstrated this, just to name few
-establishment of kids club --this is club where orphans and vulnerable children come and play and share issues that concerns them .we have seen projects in this kids club be owned by the children themselves ------THE GOAT MATRIX PROJECT --this is a project where two goats were donated its has now spread to around 25 goats through ownership of the project6 by the kids .
-------THE DORCUS BEADS ----Women come together and start an income generating activity ----starts making beads from recycled papers and sells this product to get money and address their own issues ----there are now 50 women that are connected to these group ----there a value to what they do ,its their own project initiated by them ,if you listen to them they are able to name the vision of this project ----this is sustainability.
-------Education foundation a kids club GOOD NEWS KIDS CLUB ---i quote ----if people in our community can contribute towards their burials when they die ,why cant we also contribute also towards the education of our children ----the people in this community are motivated by this experience they start contributing towards,a committee is elected by the community members -it becomes a reality our children are safe with their education in future ---{-im a member of this kids club i contribute towards my children }.
For me kithituni community we are walking and on the road to LIFE COMPETENCE .
Hi Abednego,
Thanks for this blog. You have said that when communities take charge and ownership of an issue ti leads to sustainability. Would you like to share an example from Kithuni? We have had so much discussion on this issue in our youth competence group and I would like to learn from your experience.
Some time ago Onesmus shared a story how village headmen from Kithuni took initiative in response to HIV. You can read it at:
Warm regards,
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