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Kausar Skhan's Blog – April 2021 Archive (4)

Learning SALT From theory to practice and back Kausar s khan

There is a story about a man claiming to have taught his dog simple mathematics. When asked to to demonstrate that his dog has learnt simple math, he readily brought his dog and placed, in front of the dog, some cards with numbers on them. He told the dog to show what is 2+2. The dog went to the cards and after sniffing them picked one with number 5 on it. Somebody said:   Hey! Your dog does not know basic math! The man retorted, I had said, I taught him math, I…


Added by Kausar Skhan on April 29, 2021 at 10:42am — No Comments

SALT Pedagogy, kausar skhan

SALT draws attention to a two-way process of learning. On the one hand, is the SALT Facilitator who introduces SALT to a person/group. These recipients begin to learn and so does the facilitator. Both come with their own luggage of knowledge and experience, and both are important, as SALT penetrates them and makes a place for itself. This process is critical, and recipient’s knowledge and experience (K&E) must be respected, as it is to…


Added by Kausar Skhan on April 12, 2021 at 11:40am — 1 Comment

Who can be a SALT Facilitator?

Constellation has many Facilitators, and they are its strength. The have innumerable workshops for participants to understand SALT.  My question to them : Do you know how many learners who came to your workshop carried forward SALT, and how did they do so ? And, how many who just never carried it forward, and why did they turn away?

I attended a 5 days workshop on SALT, in Karachi, about 3 years ago. As am a trainer/facilitator of learning of people at various levels (community level,…


Added by Kausar Skhan on April 6, 2021 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

Dream Building in SALT, Pakistan-- One story only

Dreams can be of individuals, of small groups (e.g HIV/TB/Hep C infected people in a village) --  of  the elderly in a village (as happened in Uganda) or of the whole community with its sub groups based on gender, ethnicity, class, religion, occupation.  While the community is to make choices, SALT Facilitator also has a role to play. For example, in four village settings in the mountain regions of Pakistan, after a community ended their discussion/sharing about  how they see their village…


Added by Kausar Skhan on April 1, 2021 at 11:02am — 1 Comment

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