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Youth Competence

Here we learn from each other and work together towards youth competence- youth competent to address their own issues. Logo designed by Gerve from Haiti.

Members: 165
Latest Activity: Sep 6, 2019


Logo for Youth Competence group

Started by Rituu B. Nanda. Last reply by Hutchison florence Mar 4, 2014. 13 Replies

Dear Members of youth competence group, Greetings from Delhi! Our group member Korey from Guyana suggested that we should have a picture or logo for youth competence group. What do you…Continue

Tags: logo, competence, youth

Landmark report on HIV among Zambia’s young people highlights challenges and charts the way forward

Started by Avnish Jolly Apr 21, 2012. 0 Replies

Landmark report on HIV among Zambia’s young people highlights challenges and charts the way forward…Continue

Tags: and, challenges, charts, the, forward

KONY 2012

Started by Tricia Francis Mar 9, 2012. 0 Replies

Youth focus actions that can be asked of governments with regard to health and green economy!

Started by Roli Oct 7, 2011. 0 Replies

Dear All,I am here with some questions with regard to a contribution that I am to make within the next two days for a paper, details given below:Planning on contributing to a document on Green…Continue

Comment Wall


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Comment by Olivia Munoru on October 27, 2011 at 1:17pm

Dear Friends,

My friend and colleague, Andre (and our newest member) and I were discussing yesterday some of the challenges we face here in London getting young people to want to participate in policy influence around issues that affect them.

Why? Well, we brainstormed some of the barriers - confidence, access, knowledge of how, trust from adults, a culture of complacency and the issue of youth participation being tokenistic and not meaningful. I just don't think that they believe they could really make a difference.

However I should really focus on the strengths, shouldn't I!  ;-)

Young people in the UK are passionate, smart and have amazing potential. This is a democracy, and youth participation is valued at a policy level - IN THEORY. The EU is putting in place some vehicles for youth to express their voice. 

I believe that the recent riots have provided an opportunity for more dialogue between the government and the young people here in UK. 

So how do we turn this into something more? How do we:

1. Engage the youth

2. Raise their capacity and confidence

3. Ensure the forums for their participation are appropriate and meaningful, and will lead to positive change



Do you have some nuggets of wisdom to share with us?


Thanks - Olivia


Comment by Roli on October 26, 2011 at 10:53am
I am forwarding the email below so that you can pass this to other friend and ask them to participate so that we can have more voices from young people in UNAIDS New Generation Leadership Strategy. And it is always great to get your views also in fb discussion page. Link is below.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ajay Kumar Uprety []
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 8:05 PM

Replies to this message will be sent to the group by default.
The sender of this message can be contacted at:

Dear Friends,

In June 2011, world leaders committed to ambitious targets on AIDS for 2015.
Unless a new generation of young people step up, these goals will not be met. Put simply. Young people can solve today's challenges in the AIDS response. The UNAIDS Secretariat will put the crowd sourced youth strategy into action. The youth strategy may also become an advocacy platform in UNAIDS' work with partners.

For the purpose of coming out with New Generation Leadership Strategy, we are discussing several issues coming weeks on facebook and through tis email group also if you do not have access to facebook. If you are in facebbok simply visit the page :
and keep posing to the questions and keep asking any questions you have to other friends.

You can also tweet any ideas or voices of your by mentioning me @ajayuprety

In this way, we can solicit youth voices in global HIV response.

Hope to see you all in facebook , we will rock the discussion.


Ajay Kumar Uprety

Online Moderator for NGLS Online Discussion
Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on October 25, 2011 at 7:10am

This has been sent by Joy from Philippines. Thanks Joy and warm welcome to this group!

Asian Youth Magazine invites young writers and social activists, NGOs, social entrepreneurs and university students from Southeast Asian countries to submit draft entries for contributing towards the next issue of the magazine.


You can submit your writing contribution if you are a writer or or you’ve been involved in youth activities and wanting to write about  the event that you organized or attended in Burma/Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Timor Leste, Japan, Korea and China.


What are the benefits?

Contributing to this publication can provide you with a great chance to share your experience to millions of youth in the region. The Facebook page of the magazine will feature the movements of youth activities/event/project in all the countries around Southeast Asia and your writing will represent and highlight your event to inform the readers about the contributions of youth groups from your area and about the efforts aimed at empowering youth in the region.

Submission Details

You can write about any previous youth events organized in your country recently. It could be initiated by youth group or organization and it could be small event, but meaningful to young generation in your country. It would be great if it is connected to education, alternative education, community study or volunteerism as this will be directly related to our issue theme.

 The length of your entry must be maximum 120 words, in a format of Microsoft Word and Time Roman 12.  Remember that your piece of writing must be clear, well-organized and easy to understand and used simplified English.

Last date for submission of entries is October 28, 2011

Comment by Roli on October 24, 2011 at 5:14pm
Dear Colleagues,

The co-chairs of the Global Steering Group for the Global Plan Towards 
the Elimination of New HIV infections among Children by 2015 and 
Keeping their Mothers Alive, 2011-15 have recognized the need to 
ensure the participation of women living with HIV from the Global 
South in the Global Steering Group (GSG). They have agreed that an 
additional civil society representative will be brought into the GSG, 
specifically a woman living with HIV from the Global South who is also 
a mother.

This mail is to solicit your nominations for this representative. 
Attached, you will find the Terms of Reference for the Global Steering 
Group. Nominated women should be in a position to fulfill these terms 
of reference in partnership with other civil society participants on 
the GSG.

In addition the nominated person should be a mother, openly living 
with HIV from the Global South. She should have the ability to connect 
electronically with a broad network of women living with HIV, 
particularly in the 22 focus countries* and work closely with the 
Civil Society representatives on the Global Steering Group and other 
members of the Women living with HIV Global Working Group (currently 
being established by ICW).

She would need to have sufficient time to dedicate to this task, 
approximately 3 hours per week at a minimum, and to travel to attend a 
face to face meeting of the GSG.

Nominations, on the attached nomination form should be sent to Kate 
Thomson with a copy to Sally Smith by close of business 28th October 2011 including a 
current CV. The selected participant would be informed by close of 
business 1st November and invited to join the next call of the Global 
Steering Group on 3rd November 2011.

Best Regards

Sally Smith

Sally Smith - Partnerships Adviser- UNAIDS - 20 avenue Appia - 1211 
Geneva 27 - Switzerland -Tel:             +41 22 791 4448      - E-mail:

*The Global plan covers all low- and middle-income countries, but 
focuses on the 22 countries with the highest estimated numbers of 
pregnant women living with HIV. *Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Cameroon, 
Chad, Côte

d?Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, 
Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, 
Swaziland, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on October 24, 2011 at 7:00am
An e-consultation on youth and migration was recently held. you can read the responses at Report will be out soon.
Comment by Roli on October 23, 2011 at 8:22pm

Rio+20 seems to be the key word that everyone in the world of Environment is chanting but one does not need to begin a quest to understand what Rio+20 is all about. These three videos are a primer for all people young and old who dare to dream about a sustainable world and want to understand how Rio+20 as well as sustainable development are related. Jan-Gustav Strandenaes from the Stakeholder's Forum at his best during the Civil Society training before the preparatory meeting of the Asia Pacific in Seoul.

Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on October 17, 2011 at 6:58am
A warm welcome to Youth Competence group, Anita! You are our 100th member...special:-)
Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on October 11, 2011 at 1:41pm

This is for your information, what I am very proud to share is that I found our group member Rachel Arinii as one of the keynote speakers. We are proud of you Rachael. Hope you will share your learning and experience from this event.


The 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights  (APCRSHR) will be held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia from 19-22 October, 2011. The  conference under the theme “Claiming Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Asian  and Pacific Societies” is being organized upon the need to resolve issues of  sexual and reproductive health, which is one of the current challenges faced  by Asia-Pacific region. For more information, please see


Asian Forum of  Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD) as a parliamentary  advocacy agency on the issues related to population will arrange the  participation of parliamentarians from Asia-Pacific region in the 6th APCRSHR.  The parliamentarians will be involved through two satellite sessions with  UNFPA. The two satellite sessions aim to highlight pertinent issues on SRHR,  showcase good practices of supporting politicians working on SRHR, promoting  cutting-edge ideas and provide an avenue for networking:


Session: Parliamentarians and Young People Speak Out  on SRHR


This  interactive session features prominent international figure, young  parliamentarians and young activists working on SRHR:


-           Dr. Nafis Sadik,  Special Adviser to UN Secretary General & UN Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS  in Asia

-           Ms. Gopika Bashi,  young activist, The YP Foundation, India

-           Hon. Mr. Tanvir Shakil  Joy, Member of Parliament, Bangladesh

-           Ms. Rachel Arinii, young activist,  Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS (GYCA) & ARROW

-           Hon. Ms. Abigail Faye Ferriol, Member  of Parliament, Philippines

Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on October 1, 2011 at 7:28pm

A warm welcome to youth group, Yevgen! Please share about the work you do with youth. you can share here or as a blog.

Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on September 23, 2011 at 2:19pm

Dear All,


Venty from Indonesia shared how they have applied SALT with sexual and reproductive health issues in schools.


Have a nice weekend.



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