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Community Action Day

We celebrate Community Action Day every year. Join this group to connect with other communities around the world who participate in the event. This year it will be in September.The logo has been designed by Marjolein.

Members: 119
Latest Activity: Jan 14, 2013


Reflection on Community Action Day 2011

Started by Rituu B. Nanda. Last reply by Rituu B. Nanda Dec 14, 2011. 5 Replies

Dear All, Greetings! Let's do an After Action Review of Community Action Day to reflect on our experience.May I request for your inputs on the following questions:1. What went well in Community…Continue

Tags: AAR, learn, SALT, 2011, Action

Logo for Community Action Day

Started by Rituu B. Nanda. Last reply by Mimi Gerniers Sep 26, 2011. 18 Replies

Dear All, Several members have suggested that we can have a logo for Community action day. Marjolein from Netherlands has kindly offered to design the logo. Any suggestions for the logo? What should…Continue

Tags: Constellation, CAD, Logo


Started by suardika iwayan Nov 23, 2010. 0 Replies

dear all,big thank you for your sharing in this program (CAD). i also already read your toolkit. very useful for me in Bali, how to improve the community in the program, make involve and speaking…Continue

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Community Action Day to add comments!

Comment by Olivia Munoru on November 18, 2010 at 6:02am
Hi Wiwin. I am so excited about your event! Hey.... when are you holding this one? Is it on 1st of December? I am not sure if I will be allowed to leave the Bandung workshop, but maybe I can help you prepare..... just let me know how!

You are so inspiring, the way you organise these things by yourself.

Comment by wiwin winarni on November 18, 2010 at 3:34am
NGALIWET BARENG!! ; (eating traditional rice cooked like solid rice porridge)

That is the tag line of our plan CAD at Manonjaya Tasikmalaya. By support of local facilitator we will re-connecting students, mother and father groups, community members and service providers to share "what have been done after last time we met" and "why are we still together". I m sure that those to stimulating questions will encourage community member taking their roles on facing and addressing their reproductive health related issues.


Comment by Jeanne d'Arc Kengne on November 17, 2010 at 10:00pm
Chers membres de l'équipe,
Je vous assure, le manuel pour la Journée de l'Action Communautaire est tellement clair, succint et facile à comprendre. J'ai envoyé dans les communautés sans explication et le feed back était impressionnant. Donc n'hésitons pas à envoyer ce manuel à toutes nos connaissances. Certaines communautés/ individus ont la capacité de lire le manuel et de l'appliquer sans attendre...
Merci à tous
Jeanne d'Arc
Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on November 17, 2010 at 9:30pm
Dear Jahnabi,

Welcome to the Community action day group! Thanks for your interest in facilitating the day. You can find the toolkit on this webpage. Just click on ''Download the resource package now' I have also emailed the resource kit to you.

Please feel free to ask questions, if any.

Best regards,

Comment by Joe Thomas on November 17, 2010 at 9:19pm
HI Ritu, Thank you for inviting me..
Comment by Joseph Senesie on November 17, 2010 at 8:50pm
Hi Rituu,
Thank you for guiding through the process of joining the CAD forum. Looking forward to learn and share the outcomes.
Once more, many thanks.
Comment by Dr. E. Mohamed Rafique on November 17, 2010 at 6:48am
Dear Rituu, and Laurence,
I have made the following posting in the EMPHASIS Ning Group where we are having a competition, and I am directing the 150 odd members by providing the CAD link there. The post in EMPHASIS Ning is:
प्यारे मित्रो,
मेरा यह request हे की जो पनेल best responder select करने के लिये appoint किया गया हे, १ दिसम्बर २०१० के पहले best responder को select करें| पनेल और competitors का criteria original query में दिया गया हैं|
जो हे: Criteria for panel: MED (CIHQ)-Referee, All Partnership Coordinators, One NGO Rep
Criteria for competitors: All Out reach workers in India = 24
World AIDS Day (WAD) को हम Community Action Day (CAD) मनाएंगे!
Please click
Dear Friends,
I request that the panel in charge of selecting the best responder do so before the 1 December 2010. The critieria for the panel and the competitors is given in the original query of this thread. They are: Criteria for panel: MED (CIHQ)-Referee, All Partnership Coordinators, One NGO Rep
Criteria for competitors: All Out reach workers in India = 24
Another request is that we observe World AIDS Day (WAD) as Community Action Day (CAD)
Please click
Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on November 16, 2010 at 2:12pm
English translation for what has been shared by Jeanne and Younoussa (I used google translate) Jeanne would like to facilitate this day with school children. Thanks Jeanne and Younoussa.

Dear all.
Two primary schools in o one in Mbujimayi (DRC) and Another one in Cameroon, the Children Goverment plan to celebrate there 1st December CAD With Their parents were this topic: "Why Is Too Difficult to be HIV.AIDS Chat, Sexual Reproductive Health in The Family. " I take french. The government wants children with parents to discuss the theme: "Why est'il VIH.SIDA difficult to speak of sexual and reproductive health of adolescents in our families?". The children want to do from a theathres, song etc. ...
Thank you
Joan of Arc

Hello Jeanne d'Arc Kengne,
We will be very happy with the content of this theme after exchanges between the government of children and their parents. Good luck!
Comment by Younoussa Diarra on November 16, 2010 at 1:19pm
Bonjour Jeanne d'Arc Kengne,
Nous serons très heureux du contenu de ce thème après les échanges entre le gouvernement des enfants et leurs parents. Bon courage!
Comment by Jeanne d'Arc Kengne on November 16, 2010 at 1:06pm
Dear all.
In our two primary schools one in Mbujimayi (RDC) and another one in Cameroon, the children goverment plan to celebrate CAD on 1st December with their parents on this topic: "Why is too difficult to discuss on HIV.AIDS, sexual reproductive health in the family". Je reprends en francais. Le gouvernement des enfants veulent avec les parents discuter sur le theme : "pourquoi est'il difficile de parler du VIH.SIDA , de la sante sexuelle et reproductive des adolescents au sein de nos familles"?. Les enfants veulent le faire a partir des theathres, chanson etc...
Jeanne d'Arc

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