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Monthly Constellation Newsletter/ Bulletin mensuel de la Constellation / Boletín mensual de la ConstelaciónDear Friends of The Constellation, To continue to receive your monthly Constellation newsletter, please renew your subscription. To renew y… Started by Marie Lamboray in The Constellation: building our community |
0 | Jan 12, 2015 |
La Constellation a dix ans!-N'hésitez pas à partager!- Chers amis de la Constellation, Pour célébrer notre 10ième anniversaire, nous aimerions partager avec vou… Started by Jean-Louis Lamboray in The Constellation: building our community |
0 | Dec 24, 2014 |
Constellation is ten years old!DO SHARE WIDELY Dear Friends of the Constellation, To celebrate our 10th anniversary, we would like to offer to you the Universal Declarat… Started by Jean-Louis Lamboray in The Constellation: building our community |
0 | Dec 24, 2014 |
Request for help on AdvocacyHi to all! My name is Nudhar, advocacy officer at PILS, NGO in Mauritius. Anyone has a link (video preferably) on using community competenc… Started by Nudhar Bundhoo in The Constellation: building our community |
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Dec 9, 2014 Reply by Rituu B. Nanda |
Three Steps To Accomplish Mission Fast TrackThree Steps To Accomplish Mission Fast Track Dr. Avn… Started by Avnish Jolly in The Constellation: building our community |
0 | Nov 29, 2014 |
SALT and SpiritualityA few days ago, a friend suggested the idea to write an article about 'SALT & Spirituality’. That may become a reality, depending on w… Started by Nathalie Legros in The Constellation: building our community |
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Nov 28, 2014 Reply by Nathalie Legros |
réticence en Guinée face EbolaDans la riposte contre Ebola, sincèrement la réticence est devenue une véritable casquette pour les équipes de communication. Au moment ou… Started by joseph koïvogui in The Constellation: building our community |
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Nov 28, 2014 Reply by Marlou |
AnnouncementsFriends, Let us post all the useful announcements in this forum. For instance, if you want to announce an event, reports, or findings of a… Started by Laurence Gilliot in Transfer of the Community Life Competence Process |
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Nov 20, 2014 Reply by Rituu B. Nanda |
Protection Of Migrants Is An Urgent And Growing Human Rights Challenge : Dr. Avnish JollyProtection Of Migrants Is An Urgent And Growing Human Rights Challenge : Dr. Avnish Jolly… Started by Avnish Jolly in The Constellation: building our community |
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Nov 12, 2014 Reply by Avnish Jolly |
How do CLCP/SALT and conflicts relate to each other?dear friends, As a worker in conflicts management and peace building, I would like to benefit from your experience on 3 aspects of the ques… Started by Nathalie Legros in SALT as our way of thinking and our way of working |
0 | Nov 9, 2014 |
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