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Canada : Migration affects global fraternity, and many nations are now simultaneously countries of origin, destination and transit. Large numbers of migrants today move between developing countries, and around 40 percent of the total global migrant population have moved to a neighbouring country within their region of origin. Around 232 million people currently live outside their country of origin, many having moved for a variety of reasons in which the search for protection and the search for opportunity are inextricably entwined. Migrants contribute to economic growth and human development in both home and host countries and enrich societies through cultural diversity, fostering understanding and respect among peoples, cultures and societies. Migration is also an important means for migrants and their families to improve life conditions and realize their human rights.
Dr. Avnish Jolly shared that for survival migrants are often to be found working in jobs that are dirty, dangerous and degrading (the 3 Ds). While for some migration is a positive and empowering experience, far too many migrants have to endure human rights violations, discrimination, and exploitation. The protection of migrants is an urgent and growing human rights challenge. UN has obligations to ensure that xenophobic violence, racism and related intolerance against migrants and their communities have no place in their societies.
In recent UK elections immigration has become the dominat political theme, with David Cameron josliting with other party leaders to show he has the toughest approach. But the problem might not be as serious as some think. Britons believe that almost a quarter – some 24 per cent – of the population are immigrants – which is almost double twice the true figure of 13 per cent, the poll found. The social make-up of the UK is also different to the public perception.
For example, we ‘hugely over-estimate’ the proportion of Muslims in Britain, believing one in five British people are Muslims (21 per cent) when the actual figure is 5 per cent (one in twenty), Ipsos Mori said. At the same time we underestimate the proportion of Christians, believing that 39 per cent of the country identifies themselves as Christian compared with the true figure of 59 per cent.
Italy has been named as “most ignorant” country in a new poll which gauged how much citizens know about their country’s social affairs, with the United States coming in second. Market research organisation, Ipsos MORI asked 14 developed countries from across the globe to take part in a study which documented how much each country knew about their own population’s framework and social issues.
The nine social topics involved questions discussing teenage pregnancy, immigration, unemployment and life expectancy. The first study of its kind had based its findings against the actual statistics relevant to each country.
Italians estimated unemployment levels in the country at 49 percent, instead of the actual 12 percent rate of unemployment. Respondents in the country also believed that around half of the population (48 percent) were over 65, when actually only 21 percent is.
Following on from Italy, the U.S. came in second with its overestimated views on teenage pregnancy (21 percent above) and unemployment (26 percent above).
Sweden was identified as having the lowest level of “ignorance”.
Managing Director of Ipsos MORI Social Research Institute, Bobby Duffy, said that it was important for policymakers and the media to take note about the misperceptions that the public has.
The poll shows people underestimate the amount of Christians as well as voting participation, with both at least a 10 percent higher than estimated on average.
Every country underestimated its voting statistics, with France believing that only 57 percent of the population voted, when in fact 80 percent of France voted in the last election.
Duffy went on to add that the survey was aimed “to look at the gap between perception and reality”.
The only category which was estimated accurately was life expectancy, with the average guess levelling out to 80 years (actual was 80.5 years).
Ipsos MORI specializes in global market research and surveys, and is the U.K.’s second largest market research company. The ‘Ipsos MORI Perils of Perception survey’ was conducted during August 2014 and polled 11,527 individuals aged 16-64 (18-64 in Canada and the U.S.).
When the relevant national figures become available, Ipsos MORI hopes to expand upon its findings in the future by looking at other measures, such as “how much tax do rich people pay” and how much “Europe contributes to Britain” and vice versa.
In this situation there is Human rights violations against migrants and which including denial of access to fundamental economic and social rights such as the right to education or the right to health, are often closely linked to discriminatory laws and practice, and to deep-seated attitudes of prejudice and xenophobia against migrants.
A human rights approach to migration places the migrant at the centre of migration policies and management, and pays particular attention to the situation of marginalised and disadvantaged groups of migrants. Such an approach will also ensure that migrants are included in relevant national action plans and strategies, such as plans on the provision of public housing or national strategies to combat racism and xenophobia.
Human rights mechanisms, such as the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants and the Committee on Migrant Workers, have been clear in stating that although countries have a sovereign right to determine conditions of entry and stay in their territories, they also have an obligation to respect, protect and fulfil the human rights of all individuals under their jurisdiction, regardless of their nationality or origin and regardless of their immigration status.
Hello Dr Avnish,
We have used community life competence approach to engage cross-border migrants in India and with refugees in Belgium. Here is an example of our work with cross-border migrants from Thane region in India on the issue of HIV
Best regards,
Thanks Rituu,
Best Wishes,
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