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There is a wonderful trend occurring in this starfish we call The Constellation. The legs of the Starfish are getting stronger and bigger.....

National Facilitation Teams excite me. I love the idea of a group of facilitators, passionate about SALT, experienced in CLCP, coming from different communities ; who decide to organise themselves in one team to connect and stimulate local responses in their own country.

We have seen it all around the world. In DRC, where nearly every province has been touched by the work of RDC Competence, who are now hosting meetings with major organisations in order to continue spreading the approach. In Indonesia, where Indocompetence is a registered organisation with numerous long-term relationships that extend from Government and UN Agencies, to community-based groups and individuals. In Kenya, where KCT are well-established, organised and very intentional about looking for new opportunities for transfer. We see in Guyana this immense fire which continues to burn so that currently 35 more facilitators are doing blended learning, as they wait for their own National registration to be completed. India, Thailand, Belgium.... the starfish has many legs, all of them strong, all of them different.

For those of us in The Constellation who are not part of these National Teams, have we considered doing this in our own country? I can only dream of seeing UK Competence... and perhaps others have shared a similar dream for their county.

What would need to be in place first?

I invite people to share, from your experience, the ingredients needed for a National Facilitation Team.... and the keys to success...... 

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Hi Olivia,


In my experience with India competence, NFT is a organic process. Secondly, its fluid different members can be active at different times. However, there are some core members who keep it going. India competence is not registered, so we have not moved to a NGO mode of working. I wanted the registration initially but now I am happy that we function as a network of people and organisations and are more like a group of like minded- part of a moment. Challenge sometimes can be fostering ownership in this kind of scenario.

You can read some experiences in this group


Try skype meetings or email exchange initially in the UK. This can be followed by a skype meeting with a NFT of another country. What do you think? Could we be buddies and virtually accompany each other as we work with our NFTs?





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