A lot of learning has been going on in Kenya and Uganda the last few months facilitated by Kenya Competence Trust. A fey key learning highlights to share are as follows:
- Kenya competence Trust has facilitated two baseline surveys for two organizations this last quarter, the processess both in Kenya and Uganda were strongly connected to learning from local responses and working as a facilitation team. It was a lesson learnt for both baseline surverys that children have alot of information around life competency. They should not be ignored. Baseline surveys especially during the actual data collection through home visits are; great opportunities and entry points for invitations to a wider community response. WE learn to stay open and sensitive to those invitations.
- The two support visits to Women Against Aids in Uganda and to Kenya Network of Women with AIDS were stimulating. The opportunity to see teams entering the phase of facilitating community conversations in Mathare Kenya was precious to us. WE learn to take time and be patient as team-mates explore their next steps and apply them. The accompaniment is crucial to enable clarification and support during those moments. A systematic process with seveal SALT visits and support visits keep the communities aware of their own strengths, this was evident after visiting communities that were part of the two support visits in Kenya and Uganda.
- SALT visits have been done several times to knowledge rooms in Mulolongo and in local communities such as Kithituni. The opportunity for facilitating a SALT Visit at the Agha Khan University second quarter of 2010, stimulated a diverse learning to workplace programming and accompaniment. WE Learn to stay diverse, being keen on opportunities for applying the SALT concept.
- We say this over and over - communities know what they want, their strengths, concerns and strategies for response, they know what works better! We learn to remember this fact as we learn and stimulate deeper changes.
Reports from these visits except the baseline surveys are available for sharing on request.
Further learning and sharing can be added by members of KCT!