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Dear All,


Today, six members from Kenya Competence Trust, met together for a whole day's process to look at the six modules for the blended learning.  The team took turns in facilitating the different modules, but what added value was the fact that the team had different expriences in line with the six modules.


As part of the process, the team reflected on what they were expecting to achieve at the end of the day - a few reflections were...

  1. I expect to learn and to share what we have been doing in our areas of work in the previous months. - David from OAIC
  2. I am expecting to catch up from last year, and eager to understand the whole concept of blended learnint - Rose OAIC
  3. I am here excited to go through the whole process - to skim through and see how we related to the packaged programme of blended learning in anticipation to working together around it - Alice
  4. I am here to share experiences from the FBO process in Mombasa, share key things that unfolded but also learn - John from Kithituni
  5. My expectation is to see everyone on the same page - that we are moving together interms of understaning and intergrating tools for our own responses - Meble
  6. I expect to see us going through together - I expect us to learn together as a team - April

The team, spent time going through the models, pausing for reflections, listening, to the CD introductions and video clips from various countries - reading through stories, and sharing own expriences around each module. 


At the end of the process, - the team reflected on the day - reflections were....


I feel stimulated, about the day - its been healthy to move on and use existing strengths for shairng hte process - April

its been time-well spent, worthwile, I feel we are confident, but I havent arrived yet - Alice

whoever arranged this day, has passion and a sense for responsibility, we really appreciate the offered learning, its been rich for me - David

Thank you for the opportunity, I have learnt alot and have seen how the AAR is facilitated - Rose

Its been a rich day to reflect and revisit things we already know - its been light but very focused - Meble


Please see all photos -  on our main page for all the reflections, additions and contents for each of the modules the team reflected on. 


Its our hope to have another blended learning, twice again this year with a wider group.






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Replies to This Discussion

Really nice sharing Meble and Kenya Competence Trust team! We had last Saturday morning a session with RDCCompetence. We took around 20 of their facilitators through the modules with interesting reflections. One of their ideas is to develop one day a DR-Congo Blended Learning version with videos, stories and experiences from all corners of the country.

For the moment, we are going to use the program in the project here to train 216 SALT teams in the upcoming year. A huge challenge, but we are confident that it's possible, especially with Blended Learning.

Regards from Kin,
Hey Gaston,

Thanks - I think the blended learning programme works well when with a group - the sharing of past experiences adds value so that the application goes in line with the communities everyone works in. We are also hoping to do a similar process, maybe twice this year depending on how the response of participation is.

216 SALT teams - wow! - but its possible, depending on the strategy for application. Are you linked with The Salvation Team in DRC at all while you are there?


Hey Meble,

This is great, it makes me realized what I missed out.
Hope I will be in a position to attend the next blended learning
Hi Magdalene,

Great to hear from you - It will be great to have you and afew others from FPFK for the next one! I send you an e-mail about SALT visits but it kept bouncing back, are you able to send me your latest e-mal and contact info - my e-mail is, number is 0715 584983, so that you guys know when the next ones are - but we are hoping sometimes in May.

Hi to others for us - hope you have seen all the photos on the 'main page -

Dear friends in Kenya,

I enjoy reading through what you did this week.
A great use of the modules!
I was wondering if based on the lessons shared through the modules and existing experiences in the group, you also developed a plan for 'field practice'. I mean if some in the group scored themself low on certain practices, do you envision do practice that step in the process with the communities?


Thanks for reflecting Marlou - definately! I think as this was the first time to come together in this kind of way for the self assessment and for going through the modules - this would be the next step; - all of us were not present but the few who were present, had thought for their own organizations to see how to apply.

This could be something for us to consider after the next learning opportunity together with a wider group - and explore which community organization could host for the learning - especially on the practices that we were low.

I dont know what others on the team think -


It is wonderful to read about what you are doing. When we were thinking about and working on Blended Learning, we did not think that it was going to be used by people with such experience of the AIDS Competence Process. So I am glad that you found at least some of the content worthwhile.

I have a question for you. I think that other groups with experience of the ACP (or CLCP) are going to do something similar to yourselves. How did you organise yourselves to explore the content? What worked well about the approach that you took? What would you recommend to others?

My hope is that the programme helped you to share your own experiences of ACP for your mutual benefit. Did that just happen? Or did you do something to make it happen?

I very much hope that you that those of you who took part in the session can share a little more.

Best regards
Hi Phil,

Greetings from Nairobi, thanks for the reflections - to answer some of your questions:

We had a core-team meeting sometimes in February and agreed on looking at the blended learning materials as part of our own team development/refresher process. As a team we each took one module which we facilitated on the day we met for the blended learning enforcing the discussions to reflect on our own experiences.

What worked well was the fact that, we all had expreriences to contribute either in facilitating or sharing - so, the approach enabled the team, not to start from scratch, but building on 1) what we know 2) what is in the modules, and 3) our own expriences. The modules were very straighfoward, but we also had to look at different dimensions from what has worked well for us in addition. The shared responsibility gave all of a chance to own and commit to the learning of the process.

A recommendation to others, is have an open mind as you go through the modules, the concept/content is fantastic, but everyone has a different way for implimenting - reflecting on what works well for you, or even how it adds value to what you already know is best. The other thought is as much as we have the Cds/internet for that overview, its helpful to have a pre-process preparation, with markers, flipchart papers - some sort of working space that is 'out of the computer', so that enough time is spent developing lessons learnt from the reflections being generated in the room - dont rely only on the modules, but be open to diversity.

It was a learning opportunity, but also a chance to refresh on tools that we havent used for a while - I think if people are committed to learning and expanding on how to use and apply the modules, there will be greater outcomes in regard to lessons being learnt for each person - we all have to make efforts in anything to make it work..

I hope that other people on the team will also be able to comment - thanks Phil

Dear Meble and Friends,

You may have seen my message below in the NFT group.
I think your 'learning day' is an excellent experience to share with others.
Would you like to share what you did in a Skype conversation with the group in Chiang Mai next week?



Next week, from 23-25 March representatives from India, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, PNG and the Philippines will come together in Chiang Mai. Together with CST members they will engage in a peer assist on the management and coordination of a National Support Team.
This meeting is taking place in the context of a ADB-Constellation partnership that is providing a modest start-up budget for the six country teams. It would be great if friends from other country groups could contribute to the peer assist. What good lessons do you have to share with the set up and or the running of your country team?.
Please contact me if you, your team, would like to engage in a Skype conversation with the group in Chiang Mai, with the aim to share your good practices and (why not) learn from others. We will then together decide on good timing.

I look forward to hearing from you!!

Hi Marlou,

Greetings - has the date/time been agreed on or suggested? I think it will be great to share and learn from each other.


Dear Kenya Team,

We have finalised the agenda here today.
It would be great if representatives of Kenya Competence could join in at 11:30 am (Nairobi time), to share experience with the group here - via Skype.
I hope the timing works well for you. Please confirm who will be online, whom we should call in (with Skype addresses).

I very much look forward to having your voice here in Chiang Mai!

HI Marlou

Thanks - what 11.30am time? which day? - I would do well with some notice because personally am not on the internet all the time; and have to plan for it.

Please let me know then I can plan to be on-line. I also use my cellphone 70% of the time, so an advance helps me to plan better.

As I wrote last week, I am interested - Just need to know time and when, and will see who else can join for the learning.



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