Speak-Your-World: Human Rights and people living with HIV-TB co-infection
Stop-TB eForum Resource Team
Members are welcome to share their experiences from the frontlines on the theme of human rights and people living with HIV/TB co-infection in their country's contexts.
As you know, World AIDS Day (1 December) is less than three weeks ahead of us. Also the 40th Union World Conference on Lung Health will soon open in Cancun, Mexico from 3-7 December 2009.
World AIDS Day, December 1
The theme of the World AIDS Day this year is 'Universal Access and Human Rights'. Global leaders have pledged to work towards universal access to HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care, recognising these as fundamental human rights. Valuable progress has been made in increasing access to HIV/AIDS services, yet greater commitment is needed around the world if the goal of universal access is to be achieved. Millions of people continue to be infected with HIV every year. In low- and middle-income countries, less than half of those in need of antiretroviral therapy are receiving it, and too many do not have access to adequate care services. The protection of human rights is fundamental to combating the global HIV and AIDS epidemic. Violations against human rights fuel the spread of HIV, putting marginalised groups, such as injecting drug users and sex workers, at a higher risk of HIV infection. By promoting individual human rights, new infections can be prevented and people who have HIV can live free from discrimination.
For more information on World AIDS Day, go to:
http://www.worldaidscampaign.org/en/Key-events/World-AIDS-Day/ and
40th Union World Conference on Lung Health, Cancun, Mexico
The theme of the 40th Union World Conference on Lung Health is "Poverty and lung health". This theme is highly relevant for our colleagues who have to deal with the burden of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, asthma, pneumonia, tobacco-related and other lung diseases as well as the health consequences of air pollution. The important medical, social and economic consequences of lung health in high-burden countries will also be discussed at this conference. More information about the conference is available online at:
Members are encouraged to share their community experiences on human rights and TB-HIV co-infection in their national contexts. Comments are welcome till the International Human Rights Day (10 December).
The commentary from the members on human rights and TB-HIV co-infection will feed into the issue-framework the Key Correspondent team will use to write their articles in the lead up to and during the 40th Union World Conference on Lung Health in Cancun, Mexico. The summary will be then published on the HealthDev.net, disseminated widely through existing eForums and other platforms.
Stop-TB eForum Resource Team
Email: stop-tb@eforums.healthdev.org