The Advances in Appreciative Inquiry series (refereed and published by Emerald) advocates a science of positive human organization, positive relationships and positive modalities of change, in order to create world benefit for individuals, organizations and communities. It is committed to the advancement of Appreciative Inquiry as an approach to organizational and human development, and as an interdisciplinary, non-deficit theory of positive change processes in human systems. Overall, the book series is dedicated to building the positive lens as an approach to social inquiry and human development, and the interdisciplinary articulation of strength-based theories of change and development. Lindsey Godwin, Associate Professor in the Stiller School of Business at Champlain College was one of the editors for the newest volume, Volume 4: Organizational Generativity: The Appreciative Inquiry Summit and a Scholarship of Transformation.
This particular volume focuses on theory and cases that explore how AI can be used to create generative organizational cultures, specifically exploring the evolutions of the AI summit methodology being used around the world. In addition to being an editor, she was a chapter author (the abstract of her chapter, “The Exponential Inquiry Effect Magnified: The New AI Summit in a Technologically Connected World” is available at: The table of contents for the entire volume is available at: feed://