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Let us share here all the interesting articles we come accross, related to AIDS Competence.
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Partageons ici les articles intéressants, en lien avec la compétence face au sida.
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4 ans déjà!

"Le 16 décembre dernier, je rencontre le staff du groupe Pivot, à Bamako.
Mr Diarra me dit : « Savez-vous que vous avez donné votre interview à RFI il y a quatre ans exactement ? – Je le sais, parce que je l’écoute encore régulièrement»
Merci Mr Diarra de m’avoir rappelé cette interview.
C’était le tout début de la Constellation." Jean-Louis Lamboray
Voici l’interview pour ceux qui voudraient l’écouter !
The future of UNAIDS
Source: (and cross posted on AIDS 2031) by Chinua Akukwe on 8 Dec 2008

A strong analysis of the main challenges for Michel Sidibe and his UNAIDS team. The most striking quote related to AIDS Competence:

"The fight against HIV now happens on a family and community level. To anticipate these potential changes, UNAIDS should undergo a comprehensive, independent strategic, policy and operational review. The review should also involve individuals and organizations with proven expertise in community-based response to health issues, since the final battle against HIV/AIDS will be fought at personal and community levels."

PORT MORESBY, 17 février 2009 (PLUSNEWS) - Opérant depuis un local exigu de Port Moresby, la capitale, Yangpela est l'unique assistance téléphonique pour les jeunes de Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée géré par Marie Stopes, une organisation non gouvernementale spécialisée dans le domaine de la santé sexuelle et reproductive.

Article intéressant sur les pratiques sexuelles en Papouasie Nouvelle Guinée. Nous avons rencontré les mêmes défis dans le lancement de la compétence face au SIDA en PNG. Mais une fois que les communautés répondent... ils changent complètement leur situation. Voir la video sur le processus en PNG
ZIMBABWE: "It's like waiting to find out if you will get eaten by l...

HARARE, 23 February 2009 (PLUSNEWS) - It is a typical hot February afternoon in Harare, Zimbabwe's capital, but for Thulani Siziba, 33, it is an afternoon he will always remember. He is about to take his first HIV test.

Thulani, who runs a radio programme on HIV, has no problem passing on information about HIV to others. But when it comes to taking action for himself, it is another ball game...
I think that this is the main challenge: people have the information, pass it on to others, but fail to own the response to HIV. The AIDS Competence Process is an excellent stimulus for people to take their life in their own hands.
External Review ACP in PNG. A team of 4 external evaluators (of which 2 nationals) have reviewed the effectiveness and efficiency of the AIDS Competence Process (ACP) and COMATAA, another community-based approach in Papua New Guinea. For the (positive!) outcomes and clear recommendations for the future, see the evaluation report.

Please explore this link! You will be able to read about books on development that are thought provoking!
And the drawings are beautiful!
KENYA: New centre brings HIV services to truckers

JOHANNESBURG, 30 March 2009 (PLUSNEWS) - "Every trucker should know how to change a tyre and put on a condom," said Anisa Abdalla, a doctor in the Kenyan port city of Mombasa, at the opening of a new "roadside wellness centre" offering HIV services to truck drivers and other transport workers.

This article explains about the launch of the "wellness center". What the article doesn't say (unfortunately) is that the truckers will not only receive information, free condoms and testing but there is also a moderator of the AIDS Competence Process in the center, who stimulates discussion about HIV with the truckers and stimulates them to respond to the issue, using their own strengths. This is part of the involvement of the Constellation in the Great Lakes Initiative on AIDS.
KIRGHIZISTAN: Nette hausse du nombre de cas recensés de VIH

BISHKEK, 15 avril 2009 (PLUSNEWS) - Le nombre de personnes répertoriées comme étant séropositives a presque doublé au Kirghizistan entre février 2008 et février 2009, selon un rapport du Comité national de la statistique du Kirghizistan.

Il est temps de commencer à répandre la compétence face au sida au Kirghizistan...
SWAZILAND: A culture that encourages HIV/AIDS

MBABANE, 15 April 2009 (IRIN) - Anecdotal evidence that entrenched cultural beliefs among Swazis actively encourage the spread of HIV/AIDS has been confirmed by a joint government and UN report.

Interesting article about cultural habits in Swaziland. Community conversations (also bringing together male and female) can be a great way out of the dramatic epidemic happening there... Once people can discuss the issue of HIV and how it affects them, they can start taking ownership of their response.
Culture cannot be changed by outside organizations, government, etc. but needs to come from individual transformations at community level. This process can be stimulated by facilitators.
South Africa, time to rethink testing, IRIN,

It has become a given – test more people for HIV and you'll get more people on treatment earlier, plus cut down on risky sex. But recent research on the behaviour of people who test HIV negative, has led some doctors to question the testing gospel.Dr Francois Venter said what seemed a strong relationship between increased testing, treatment and behaviour change is not necessarily valid in the South African context.

For me a very relevant article for the first practice of AIDS Competence: Acknowledgement and Recognition. Simply 'doing the test' is not level 5. It's about why you do it and whether you and your community truly recognize and acknowledge the issue. It is combined with the other practices (3: Linking Care and Prevention as well as 6: Addressing vulnerabilities). What happens after the test results if crucial. If we are negative, are we simply 'lucky'? Or do we really deeply reflect and reduce our risky behaviour?

UGANDA: Child ARVs could go to waste due to low demand

KAMPALA, 10 September 2009 (PLUSNEWS) - A large supply of paediatric antiretroviral medication donated by the Clinton Foundation could expire in Ugandan medical stores because of low demand, a senior health official says.

The AIDS Competence Process typically stimulates the demand of ARVs, reduces discrimination and opens the discussion.
UGANDA: Rude doctors = deprived patients

KAMPALA, 25 September 2009 (PLUSNEWS) - Ugandan health workers' ill-treatment of HIV-positive people could adversely affect the access of these patients to treatment, a new study by local NGO Uganda Network for Law Ethics and HIV/AIDS (UGANET) has revealed.

Interesting article about how health staff discriminated HIV patients. If they can be at peace with the issue themselves, this would not happen. When they are at peace with it, the health staff can be a strong force to stop discrimination by using themselves as an example to show others that there is no problem touching and being with PLHIV.
Start with yourself first... especially if you are a health worker!


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