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You never know how good a person really is until you talk to them. Sometimes it's because of our fear or sometimes because of our misconceptions. It's the first time I've ever had a conversation with a person who doesn't like me. I have a friend who I have been friends with for eight years but I don't go to her friend's house much because of her grandmother. Whenever I go to her friend's house, her grandmother looks at me like she doesn't like me and hates me. Because I am a low caste girl and my friend is a high caste, so her grandmother didn't like me. I could never dare to talk to my grandmother, saying that I feel a lot of pain when you treat her. I didn't even tell my friend that your grandmother treats me well. Whenever I asked my grandmother how are you, she would reply that why are you talking to me, I don't like talking to you. Anyway, my friend. My grandmother is older than me, so I used to listen to the words even if I felt pain. A few days ago, I went to my friend's house again and saw that there was only my grandmother in the house. After half an hour I went inside the house and asked my grandmother if I can talk to you. Then first I asked grandma how are you grandma said fine, usually after talking to grandma talking to grandma and listening to grandma I can't find when an hour passed. Then I came to know about the different good stories of my grandmother's life. In those stories, there were good deeds done by her. I was really moved by listening to grandmother's words, and the more I listened to grandmother's words, the more I wanted to listen to grandmother's words.
grandmother is a bit old-fashioned, so that's her nature. But when we had a conversation about Salt, I realized the good qualities in grandmother. This means that SALT brings out the strength in people.
আপনার অভিজ্ঞতাটি সত্যিই হৃদয়স্পর্শী! এটি প্রমাণ করে যে মানুষকে না জেনে, শুধুমাত্র ভ্রান্ত ধারণার ভিত্তিতে সিদ্ধান্ত নেওয়া উচিত নয়। আপনি যে সাহস করে দাদির সঙ্গে কথা বললেন, তা শুধু আপনার জন্য নয়, দাদির জন্যও একটি নতুন উপলব্ধির দরজা খুলে দিল।
সবচেয়ে সুন্দর দিক হলো, এই কথোপকথনের মাধ্যমে সম্পর্কের ভুল বোঝাবুঝি দূর হয়ে গেল, এবং দাদি আপনার প্রতি যে স্নেহ দেখালেন, তা সত্যিই দারুণ! এটি দেখিয়ে দেয় যে আন্তরিকভাবে শোনা, উৎসাহ দেওয়া, এবং আন্তরিক যোগাযোগ কতটা শক্তিশালী হতে পারে।
আপনার গল্প থেকে স্পষ্ট যে বৈষম্য বা ভুল ধারণাগুলো দূর করতে কথোপকথনের বিকল্প নেই। আপনি ধৈর্য ধরে দাদির কথা শুনেছেন, তাকে নিজের গল্প শেয়ার করতে দিয়েছেন, আর এটিই তাকে আপনাকে বিশ্বাস করতে সাহায্য করেছে।
এটি সত্যিই অনুপ্রেরণাদায়ক এবং SALT মডেলের এক অসাধারণ প্রয়োগ!
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