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Sanjita Akter: A bright star of Basfore community.

 Same days back Banna went to to do SALT conversation.  Here she found a girl go against the community and walk towards her dream.

Sanjita is a girl from Basfor community. What will happen to the humane way of educating girls in the Basfor society full of prejudices?

They have to give in marriage, do housework after marriage, serve husband, in-laws. But being a daughter of that society, Sanjita is against this idea. She wants to move forward as a girl. School wants to eliminate discrimination. He has been able to dispel this idea somewhat. Sanjita passed SSC. Now studying in a reputed college in Mymensingh city which is beyond the imagination of many in Basfour society. Sanjita's father works as a cleaner at Sonali Bank in the city. Sanjita's dream is that one day she will proudly enter her father's office as an officer. It will show everyone that you can achieve your dreams even as a girl from Basfor society. He believes hard work is the key to success. One of the bright stars of Basfor society is Sanjita.

Banna learn from this story that if a girl want to do something she has the power to do so. She also inspired by Sanjita's strength and will power.

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Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on July 1, 2024 at 9:06pm

Sanjita's dream is inspiring. Thanks Sneha and Banna for sharing.

Comment by Sadia Jafrin on June 30, 2024 at 9:19am

So inspiring! Thank you so much for sharing. 

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