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Health Nest Uganda, in partnership with the WHO and The Constellation, is implementing the Community Life Competence process. The partnership seeks to increase the participation of older persons in local community responses to health and development. Katabi community, the most mature implementing community, takes its next step in the process: working together to develop a common community Dream.
Hi Ricardo,
I am so bummed I didn't see your post. I would love to continue to learn together and continue the conversation. My apologies for being six months delayed in responding. :)
Hi Kristin,
Thanks for the response. It's nice to hear from you.
Actually, I think The Constellation has already done some work to map relational connection, albeit within The Constellation community of coaches. I think the same kind of modelling could be applied to the local community context, and I imagine that - given the integrity of the facilitation team process is preserved - we will see similar patterns emerging. I like how, in your analysis, you link "response" to "relationship". It seems to me sustainable effective responses to something like HIV are always relationally-driven (in the same way that dynamic relationships at work in homes and neighbourhoods drive the epidemic itself).
How might we continue to learn together? Already, you've highlighted what I think are fundamental principles worth exploring further: (1) nurture relationship, (2) expand relationship organically (scale out, not necessarily scale up), (3) stimulate interest, (4) respond to implicit invitation (as people seek ways to self-include) and (5) facilitate connection.
Looking forward to deepening the conversation.
Be well.
My apologies Ricardo - I read your response from Rituu on Facebook and meant to respond to you here.
I love how you shared this element of the work "be conscious of others who express curiosity or more active interest on the fringes of their primary work with the elderly". It would be so fun to see and maybe map how being relationally responsive in this way to curiosity engages people in your work and into developing intergenerational relationships. A very lovely way to develop social connections and capital.
There are several ways your example of planning around a community dream connects to work I have seen in the U.S., (see and but also some important ways we can also learn from the way you allow relationships to emerge organically through principles of inclusion and being observant to curiosity.
Ricardo, thanks, I shared your response on facebook, Kristin will read it.
Hi Rituu and Kristin
In addition to Arthur's comment around intergenerational participation, the CLCP process makes provision for increasing interaction between younger and older persons. Although the point of departure is very much with older persons to increase their participation in response, the new Ugandan teams are learning about how to be conscious of others who express curiosity or more active interest on the fringes of their primary work with the elderly. Two stages of the process include "home visits" and "building a local team". Working inclusively, the facilitation teams are always looking for opportunities to link neighbour to neighbour through facilitated listening and conversation. Younger people who are relationally connected to the elderly might be, for instance, encountered in a home visit and incorporated into the conversation. During a community meeting such as the one in the video, younger people may gather on the edges of the meeting to find out what is happening in their communty, and be engaged and invited into the conversation by an observant facilitator. Ideally, the process of inclusion should be organic as those connections reveal themselves, and not too artificially contrived.
One other way that intergenerational partnership is stimulated is during the group's exploration of their community dream, their self-assessment and their action planning. As they identify issues related to their concern or vision for their community, many of those issues may have a causal link to younger persons. The older persons group may, in that case, choose to design actions to engage younger people as a deliberate part of their own response.
Does any of that match your own experience in the US?
Fantastic friends.
Hullo Rituu and Kristin, thank you for your comments. The older persons envisioned in their dream an all inclusive Health Community. They want to have a community where older and young persons can locally participate in issues regarding their health and income. About Intergenerational partnerships betwee the young and older persond, most of these older persons have their carers who are young and usually participate in their meetings either as representatives or supporters and we encourage it.
A query from a dear friend Kristin who applies strength based approach with communities in US. She posted this on facebook.
Thanks, Rituu. I'm quite happy with how this clip turned out as it gives us a context to the story. The Ugandan team has made rapid progress with CLCP since January - they have a lot to be proud of. It was beautiful to see the Katabi community sensitively accompanied by teammates who were, themselves, becoming more competent to sit alongside, to listen respectfully, to question skilfully. A very inspiring visit.
You have captured the atmosphere so well, Ricardo! When communities sit and dream together its very uplifting. I enjoyed how Namara has put the context. Many thanks Ricardo and Namara!
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