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With SALT, my kids now have a say! (on behalf of Pastor Edmond)

In October 2012 I was part of the local facilitators trained by Mr. Sangaré of the Constellation from Bamako. It was my first time hearing about this approach. At first we thought we might become experts, but in reality and in practical terms, it was very simple: SALT was rather a simple way of seeing others and a rewarding way of doing with others. At the end of the training we were required to experiment with a group of people. I decided to do it in my first grassroots community: my family. And here is that I did: I assembled everyone: Madame, our daughter and the three other people who lived with us at this time in our household. That day, it was not only a usual family worship but this time a frank and open exchange meeting with Dad. The topic: how to make everything works well at home? How can we progress as a family? All of them spoke one after the other. After each intervention I appreciated the point of view and the proposal of each one without difficulty and we examined everything, all together. It was new, it was surprising. All these were freely expressed. Everyone has seen their proposal taken into account. Satisfaction was evident in all children by being considered as actors for the smooth running of the home. From now on, they not only receive instructions and orders to be executed ; they are now part of those who gave these orders and instructions. What the family will become and will do no longer depends on mom and dad alone but of all.

What has particularly impressed me is that the children also care about the success of the home, but the opportunity was not sufficiently given to them to pronounce.

I give thanks to God because at the end of this exercise and for the time that followed, my eyes on the children changed and their relations with us (parents) took a new turn more respectful, more flexible, more human. SALT helped me to strengthen my humility in my relationships with those over whom I hold a superior position. This is in accordance with the biblical values ​​in which I believe.

Edmond Noramou, Macenta, Guinée Conakry.

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Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on November 27, 2016 at 2:58pm

I loved this story, the simple narration and the powerful lesson that one needn't find another community to practise can start from one's family. Thanks Luc for sharing.

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