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My organisation's tag line says "the experience that lasts a lifetime" Even as i sit an reflect on the AC process and the process involved. It makes me realise that this will add to my experiences that will last me a lifetime.

The SALT process will be fully integrated into my work, I truly believe that it will only make things better for the communities we work in. It is a process i believe that gives back to the community, it helps the work with the strengths they have. Too long has imposition been the game played.

I depart for Lethem which is on the western side of our country on Saturday. It takes about 14 hourd by trail or an hour and a half by air. My purpose is to train some new volunteers we would have recruited in Peer Educcation. This I see as a perfect opportunity to intergate the ssalt process, I am so anxious to get out there to start working with the new volunteers (Dont worry, I'll post pics)

Road to Lethem

I believe that through lots of pratice my skills as SALT facilitator will only get better, not just practice but also by sharing with my colleagues in the team, as we move forward I am sure we'll see ways in which we can improve. It is work in progress and i am almost sure we will find new and innovative ways of applying the process.

Since being introduced to the process I have seen dramatic changes in the way I approach my work.. I see so many possibilities of intergating into my life and my work. To those who would have put it all together "KUDOS" know that you have started a revolution that will make things so much easier. I am fortunate to be a part of this revolution as a soldier rady to do battle.

I realise that sometimes we stereotype for several reasons; this process has taught me that we should first get to know people before passing judgement. I have learnt that our expectation of any group can be so far from the truth. I say this because of my experience at the Lusignan Jail where we did the process on two ocassion. My expectations turned out to be wrong. I was under the impresion that it would have been so difficult to work with the prisoners, the proved a very participative bunch.

Lets continue to strive for life competence.


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Comment by Gaston on November 8, 2010 at 11:43am
Hope your daughter is well again Michael. I recovered from Dengue the week before I came to Guyana last time. It can be really though I know. Take care and looking forward to your sharing.
Comment by Michael Mc Garrell on November 3, 2010 at 4:59pm
Colleagues, I know that you must have been waiting for my experiences in Lethem. I am yet o post, I have been busy for the since i cam back to Georgetown also my little daughter who is 7 was hospitalised with Dengue fever. She is doing better now and is recovering at home. I am heading into Lethem again tonigh and will use that time to put together my blog.

Phil, I think we stereotype because that is usually the easiest thing to do. We do not want to see like the odd one out so we follow what supposedly everyone is doing. I have however realised that being the odd one out is not so bad afterall. It tells others that I am an individual and that I can think freely and on my own. I should not have to follow the so called "NORM" Lots of times we sacrifice ourselves for the sake of others, we should learn to do it for ourselves first. When we can identify with building our personal strenghts we can then help others to identify and work on theirs.. Cheers
Comment by Phil on October 22, 2010 at 9:42am

It would be wonderful to hear about your experiences in Lethem.

Towards the end of your post, you write that, 'I realise that we stereotype for several reason'. That started me thinking about why I stereotype. I am still wondering about that question. What are your ideas?

Comment by wiwin winarni on October 19, 2010 at 8:04am
Dear Michael;

I really inspiring they way you see some dramatic changes in a way you approach your work. This inspire me and remind me again about almost my routine office work that nearly "kill" me . AC process with SALT always revisiting similar thing seem to be differently seen and perceived at another moment.

Thanks also for the picture, tha;s nice like Papua in my country.

Wiwin -Indonesia
Comment by Jean-Louis Lamboray on October 18, 2010 at 9:02am

It is amazing how SALT is demolishing stereotypes, isn't it? I have not finished taking care of my own preconceived ideas.
I habe a tendency to act on those ideas before verifying them.
That is why I put on the white board of my office " Are you sure?".

Comment by Gaston on October 17, 2010 at 11:38pm
Very well articulated Michael and I like your self-reflection. You have the potential to share your incredible experience together with your AC experience to so many people. I was impressed by your facilitation of self-assessment in the field. I know your new batch of volunteers will be lucky :)

I'd be personally interested to know HOW you'll get the approach across to the new volunteers. Open to learn from your experience.

Take care and enjoy Lethem
Comment by MariJo on October 16, 2010 at 7:47pm
Looking at the picture you send of the road to Lethem one can have an image of the path you have started to walk in Community work: a clear, wide and open space that stimulates us for a journey.
Best wishes to your training weekend and we look forward to know more about your experiences in the field.
Comment by Laurence Gilliot on October 16, 2010 at 2:43pm
So beautiful what you wrote. Thank you for sharing your doubts and questions and also what you learn along the way. It is really inspiring!
I'm sure you will do great this weekend when introducing SALT to the volunteers.


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