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Hello friends :) !
Starting on the 6th of April, a few of us gathered in Barcelona to dream about the “share” function within the Constellation and the ways in which our dream for 2050 could be brought about, little by little, through our concerted actions. Many of you were also present in thought, some through Skype, and a good many through the wonderful individual dreams for share that you sent in. Thank you everyone for contributing to making this get-together meaningful and “creactive”.
Because it certainly was both creative and active! Creative because dreaming requires the imagination and we explored some new forms in which to stimulate it in order to “see” meaning and foresee change in concrete form. Active in what sense? Well we eventually came up with a plan of action for the next six months, to which people volunteered to contribute in the area that they felt most drawn to.
This was an incredible learning opportunity and experience for me as I am a newcomer in the realm of community life competence, and so I was bedazzled by the power of the individual and common dreams in encouraging a group on their way to positive change through concerted action!
If I had to summarize this learning experience I would probably say two things. One is that constructive thought can come from the most unexpected places, and that soliciting our right-brain impulsions to be passionate, creative, moving, artistic and intuitive can prepare the field for the analytical and practical work that will come later. Another is that fun and laughter are great ways to create a sense of community :) !
An incredible moment of the weekend for me was seeing Jan and then Ricardo creating body sculptures of what the Constellation was to them. Jan’s proposal was a star-like shape looking inwards but radiating out with lots of fingers and feet connecting to hold the structure together. This then led on to a prolific discussion on the nature of this “connecting” which was the job of the GST and the share team until finally Ricardo got up and proposed an alternative image which included spinning and touching. Why? To represent the fact that the inspiration for any work done by the Constellation comes from the communities themselves, particularly those communities that have gathered up momentum and are “spinning” by themselves, thus inspiring others to join in the motion towards positive change and life competence!
A picture says a thousand words, and none of what I write here can quite capture what happened as well as Jan’s pictures did (Thanks a ton Jan!):
For more pictures go to Jan's album:
Thank you Khadim, Rituu, Lois, MariJo, Marie, Jessica, Ita, Marlou, Jean-Louis, Jan, Ricardo, Michelle, Stella and co-cook(er), Onesmus, Eric and everyone else who participated in making these wonderful few days together what they were! And may the spinning momentum we all took with us from this meeting be re-injected into the wider Constellation community and beyond through Share and Learn for and from Action :) !
Incredible Abednego, what you saw in these pictures and the way you described the "spinning" is exactly what was discussed that day :) :) :) !!!! Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts on this. And thanks a lot Joke, too! As for our conclusions out of the dream, we're currently working on our "dream" video that we would like to post to share the dream we came up with, it will be posted soon :) !
Great post Celicia! It captures the joy, inspiration and aliveness of the weekend, even for me who was not there. That's a great starting point for a six-month plan :-) As I am myself diving into the power of share, I am interested: what were your conclusions out of the dreams for share? What came out of these dreams as common or inspiring elements? Glad to learn more so please share ;-)
Great teammates ,hooray ,i like the sentence SPINNING THEMSELVES ,for mean it captured the day for the share team
i like the first picture showing connection in communities for me it represents the infrastructures and pathways of sharing the positive epidemic virus ( SALT)
It is great to see you connected with such an inspired group Célicia .
Keep going, you are on a beautiful journey. Love you. Paps.
Thank you so much for your comment Jan :) !!!! Thing is, the process only works if people volunteer their imagination and are willing to play the game- your image was so inspiring it set off a rich, door-opening discussion! I know we'll keep collaborating on how to share these different right-brain forms of communication :) , Merci...
How thankfull can we be about your inspirational presence in Barcelona, Célicia. If youth has the potential to co-build a better world based on values of human excellence, You are sure one person that represents just that.
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