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Posted on November 20, 2018 at 10:57am 5 Comments 2 Likes
Engagement needs emotion (e-motion, energy in motion).
When do you feel most energised to act?
When looking at a problem or when looking at an opportunity?
When talking about what is going wrong or when talking about what your dream is?
When you feel listened to and connected with the group or when you feel like talking to a wall?
When you feel others are linking to your dream or when you are looked at as a blamer or as a messenger of bad news?
ContinuePosted on March 26, 2017 at 9:04pm 1 Comment 3 Likes
This past weekend Veronique and I both facilitated the training weekend for a second group of community facilitators for the city of Vilvoorde.
The two days happened in a great learning and SALTy way. The participants of this small group were very eager to learn, to experience, to share and to brainstorm.
At one stage during the training weekend we asked the participants to go out on the streets and have SALT conversations with people on the streets about their dreams for…
ContinuePosted on June 23, 2013 at 6:43pm 3 Comments 4 Likes
For some time now, Belcompetence has been engaged in facilitating the Faubourg community building. A limited but growing number of habitants expressed concerns about issues such as (perceived) safety in their neigbourhood, lack of spontaneous contacts among new habitants (from very diverse origines) and those that were born and raised there. Slowly but surely the group of habitants that have expressed both concerns and desires are in the process of changing the teneur of their expressions…
ContinueThank you Jan for your response to the query on practices.
PS: I just realized we already met :) !! At Jean-Louis' talk in Grez-Doiceau earlier this month :) !!!!
Hello Jan :) !!!!!
Thanks so much for your comment! It's wonderful to see just how welcoming everyone is here!! Whereabouts are you in Belgium?
I'm happy to share experiences and maybe meet someday when I return to Belgium (leaving soon for a year-long trip around Latin America).
Take care and many happy returns :) !
Hi Jan, thanks for your valuable comments on the platform today. You are strong in accompanying others, in motivating and encouraging with your positive comments and vibe. CLC clap to you!
thank you Sir
Great to see the pictures§
Dag Jan,
Ik hoop dat je week begint met een goede energie. Bedankt voor deze weekend-A
Hi Jan,
Leuk dat je erbij bent. Klinkt alsof je ontzettend veel ervaring al hebt waar we veel van kunnen opsteken. Welkom! Ik zit in het business transfer team, als je hier bij betrokken wilt worden geef het maar aan!
Goed weekend.
A warm wlecome to Private Sector Jan! Hope you will share your experiences of application of Appreciative Inquiry in business sector. Or maybe a story? thanks Jan!
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