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Salty seeds in fertile ground in Ambon - Results and coaching team lessons from first learning event

The result of a six day CLCP learning event in Ambon Indonesia is overwhelming. We count thirty confident facilitators, two potential coaches who can support the new facilitators, and a local partner organisation that is turning into a SALTy organisation. Three action plans are ready for implementation and three communities in a village developed their dreams and exchanged among the teams about possibilities and non possibilities for further action.

The event took place in a meeting room (and the surrounding gardens) first, where participants underwent the CLC process as community members from 'who are we', via 'where do we want to be' to 'where are we now'. The serious group work in the process was enlightened with fun exercises that gave an experience with Support/Stimulate, Appreciate, Listen/Learn and Team/Transfer/Trust.

While we were struggling a bit with shy (malu hati) participants and jetlagged facilitators at the start (Ambon has eight hours time difference with Amsterdam!) we all grew and opened up as the time together passed. The recipe is simple: go sit, listen and appreciate. Thanks to two star translators Lucy and Sandra, who to our big surprise were familiair with SALT and CLCP through Indocompetence work and a good study of Constellation website, we could quickly move away from the large plenary sessions to smaller team work where contributing became fun and a responsibility for all. And what is that magic in CLCP that language barriers disappear as soon we understand and practice SALT? Just a few words in eachothers' language, laughter and body language connects.

Best time was the time in the village of Hatu, where participants revealed as true facilitators that encouraged three communities in the village (women groups, nutmeg cooperation and farmers) to build their groups dreams and share it with others (read more here). Those who seemed so shy on day one, led a whole process now. I learned again that the question ‘Are you sure’ is so important to ask before judging people. Their experience via community work in church groups seemed to form a firm basis for their facilitation skills. Combined now with SALTy attitude and CLC as a process seems a winning combination.

 Out of the 35 participants at the start, 31 had hundred percent participation. They built their teams action plan, based on real CLCP experience and proudly received a certificate that states their participation.

Our biggest surprise and proud came after the event. Titamae, the local partner organisation that organised the event, invited us to select ten persons among the participants who will be recruited as staff and will ensure community ownership of every new project of the organisation, varying from micro-credit programmes with women groups, health processes, fair trade of pala and field schools where farmers exchange experience and learn together in open air.

We now decided to go SALT all the way.

We invited the most sparkling, explained the vacant posts and asked the young men and women to open their hearts for hopes and concerns. Obviously, this opportunity to implement parts of their action plans towards the common ànd individual dreams sparkled a lot of hope. After lively presentations of the strengths and experience they can bring in – somehow the vacant posts and talented young persons merged seamlessly.

Titamae organisation was surprised and relieved with the wonder of a SALTy recruitment process. So were we! And we very much look forward to see our new friends grow and spread SALT.

A Constellation coach is like the midwife. We assist and support the delivery. Now its time to pack my suitcase – leaving the healthy baby in his home.

Hope to meet again sooooooooooon!!!

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Comment by Autry Haynes on March 5, 2015 at 8:24am

Dear midwife, leave with peace of mind and comfort, that SALT will do the rest. I am sure there are opportunities for distance accompaniment (^_^). And you will meet again, the world is a global village. I like TRUST for 'T' of SALT it is necessary for sustained partnership. While reputation counts, TRUST is probably more important moving forwards. Thanks soooo much for your post. I am inspired (^_^)


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