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Dear friends,
I share with you my thesis (attached) which documents and reflects upon the journey of mainstreaming CLCP and SALT at UNFPA in Indonesia. I hope you enjoy reading it.
Please note:
There are some very special people who I wish to acknowledge (in no order):
Indocompetence - you are shining stars! From the moment I met each of you I was a changed person - because you are SALT. Thank you for showing me a new way...
UNFPA - such a warm welcome in such a bright office. Thank you for the opportunity to learn from you all. Thank you for your insightful reflections and openness to new ways of working.
The Transgender community in Jakarta - you showed me the importance of love, and how it makes communities strong! Lulu, you are a role model to so many people, and I am proud to be your friend.
Chandra, my partner in crime! I miss the way you were able to see strengths in ANY situation!
Dewi, such an inspirational facilitator and tireless worker, I learned so much from you and your positive attitude to everything.
Wiwin, I still smile when I think of our journey to Tasikmalaya! You are truly salty.
Rebeka - thank you for so kindly sharing your interest and expertise on CLCP and UNFPA, and introducing me to this world.
Ade - for giving me a stern talking to and making me work harder on my thesis. Your standards are high!
Jean-Louis, Gaston, Lau, Marlou, Rituu and all of the CST - thank you for your support along this journey of CLCP at UNFPA. I had never worked with people like this before. It was refreshing and inspiring. Your passion and dedication is rivalled only by your immense skill, experience, ability and SALTiness! What a team!
Pak Zahid - for taking a chance and bringing new possibilities to UNFPA and the communities with which it works.
Communities throughout Indonesia - the world can learn from you. A country with so many people, cultures, languages and religions, all living together in relative harmony. It is unique and special, and I took many lessons from the Indonesian way of life.
Hi Olivia,
I'm reading your thesis for the moment. I'll get back to you on the content but so far I really enjoy it.
Would you be ok if we share your thesis on the Constellation website? Do you have a pdf version without the 'sticky papers'?
Hi Olivia Manis..
Its so cool!. This really encourage me to finish mine also. Terima Kasih Kawan!
What a coincidence! I just finished reading your thesis this morning. Absolutely brilliant piece of work. Not too long and easily accessible writing (for the majority that reads this and thinks they don't have time to read a's time well spent!).
You articulated the process within UNFPA so well. It also helped me personally after being involved in that directly as a coach. I understand the creative tensions much better now and have found more peace of mind with the situation. Also your description of CLCP is so clear. Could you please share this on this group:
A few concrete comments:
1. The links with Sen are so obvious. I didn't know you were linking it with his work, but we've just finalized a pilot to use Sen and Nussbaum's work on capabilities to truly measure the cost-effectiveness of CLCP. Read more here: Your thoughts are welcome! The last book of Nussbaum (Creating Capabilities, 2011) is one of the best and most accessible books on development that I have read.
2. The added value of the process as such. It is not a means to and end you conclude. I never saw it that strongly, but the way Sen describes it really resonates with my experience as a facilitator.
3. This McKnight is brilliant and he wrote this stuff in 1977! And we thought we were innovative! His three disabling effects are illuminating: 1. interpretation of people's needs as 'deficiencies', 2. professional practice of placing the perceived deficiency in the client, and 3. the issue of specialization and compartmentalizing people
4. The Constellation formally worked through 48 partnerships in 28 countries so far. Here is our track record for all the details if you like:
5. Your question on ' Should development be transformed into a patchwork of diverse, albeit linked, community-driven initiatives'? I think it's not an either/ or question. We need to large institutions for all kinds of reasons. The challenge is how to align them consciously with people's increased freedom of choice. This thesis contributes immensely to this exploration.
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