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Facilitating "The Dream": steps in the process


The Constellation uses "Building The Dream" as one tool in its Community Life Competence Process, working with communities to develop a common vision for their future.  Instead of a Needs-Analysis, common in traditional development approaches, this approach employs a "Vision-Analysis", working from the strengths of the community to hope for a future better than what they're presently experiencing.

At a recent CLCP workshop in Uganda, in partnership with HealthNest Uganda and the WHO, we did some work to try and capture the steps in the process of facilitating The Dream.

What do you think?  Does this match your experience with The Dream?



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Comment by MariJo on March 20, 2012 at 8:38pm

Wonderful video, Ricardo, and very interesting way of presenting the Dream.

Thank you!

Comment by Olivia Munoru on February 29, 2012 at 1:37pm

I just noticed the videos at the end. WOW! Nice to see Arthur too. I am a very visual learner - I need faces more than words - so this kind of medium is very effective to move, inspire and educate me. IMagine what it will do for moving, inspiring and educating wider audiences. Congratulations and THANK YOU.

Comment by Ricardo Walters on February 29, 2012 at 6:08am

Hi Olivia...


Thanks for the feedback - I'm glad you like it, and can see applications for its use.


I agree about the content in the middle of the video - it's a bit "bulky", and throws off the pace of the rest of the video. Since this is only a "draft", I'll adjust that piece for our final version.


It certainly would be an asset to have similar process-captures for the other tools in our general CLCP process.

Comment by Olivia Munoru on February 28, 2012 at 8:43pm

Ricardo. This is SO AMAZING! I'm a bit speechless - it's entertaining, informative and accurate. The messaging is simple and clear and the end.... wow..... you ask the audience to imagine and then you show the immense global scope of this simple way of working. I will be using this video very often.

The only small suggestion I'd have is in the section on presenting the dream... some of the footage could be condensed there. 

Thanks for creating this asset. Imagine similar videos on self assessment?!! Or Action planning!!!???

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