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Fabian, a member of BelCompetence in Belgium, has asked me to share his story with the participants of the Global Learning Festival. He tried to post a video but had technical issues, so below is a written summary.
Feel welcome to share your comments, appreciation and questions for Fabian.
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The afflux of migrants in Europe and Belgium is a reality . In this regard governments and non-governmental organizations are helping an outreach for migrants arriving in Belgium as not everyone will be recognised as a refugee before going through the asylum seeking process ; request the protection of the Belgian authorities. During the asylum procedure the Belgian State examines whether the foreigner’s request is legitimate and whether the asylum seeker is effectively entitled to this protection. The Geneva Convention (1951) lays down the conditions that must be satisfied.As the asylum authorities examine the applicant’s case, the asylum seeker is entitled to material help at the reception centre assigned to him or her. The asylum seekers are not obliged to stay at the reception centre to which they were assigned but the majority prefer this solution. If an asylum seeker chooses not to stay at a reception structure then s/he will not receive any material help. The asylum seeker does retain the right to medical assistance.
Asylum seekers are housed in collective centres as well as in individual dwellings..
Once a final decision has been made in the asylum seeker’s case, in most instances this will mark the end of the applicant’s right to a place to stay. After a positive decision the refugee will receive a residence permit and will have to go in search of his or her own accommodation.
Beho center for asylum seekers Red Cross of Belgium located in the province of Luxembourg in the town of Gouvy. Like other communities, people living in Belgium or institutions, these centers are faced with various problems in daily life, for example the asylum, integration, HIV, alcoholism, conflict management.
After participating in the trade fair organized by Belcompetence in April 2009, asylum seekers Beho understood that they are able themselves to change their lives, to join forces and experiences to meet the challenges of life. During the SALT visit, organized by Belcompetence to Beho, residents have raised the issue of integration in the entourage who insult and judge as scoundrels and criminals sometimes.
And residents have made their dream Beho integrated: They chose to fulfill their dream of meals during the day around the world. That day it was expected: welcoming guests, exchanges between them and residents with a drink, a dinner prepared by the Congolese communities, Guinea and Afghanistan, the music at the end.
Residents of the center were given the opportunity to express themselves, to demonstrate their ability to contribute to society as among them there are qualified people such as doctors, singers, electricians, mechanics etc..
At the time of the self, residents found that the result of their dream was positive because the relationship between applicants and neighbors have improved: donations of clothes, furniture to residents, mobilization of cars to different races, different religions to invitation, cleanliness of the city, summer activities and even hair braiding for children by African residents etc..
Inside the center even during the preparation period, residents have become more united and strengthened relations between them there was more conflict over fights that often ended in damage to equipment. To resolve these conflicts Red Cross authorities were only transferring people in other centers without addressing the causes of conflict.
The asylum seekers are able to meet the challenges of everyday life, they proved that it is enough to accompany only the stimulating or releasing word, appreciate and encourage local responses,
And After…!
Supported by BelCompetence – which always stimulates and connects the strengths of the former Beho residents, the local community “Et Après?! is actually a reality, equipped with tools of Community Life Competence Process; facilitators are being formed and the members of “Et Après” meet every month ;
Apply Competence for Community Life Process in individual context, in our community and around
Keeping contact of one another ( as facilitators spread the values of the diversity of our group)
Sharing experiences (being human and bear that witness for our integration)
Re-visit our own background (Dream) and make instantly evaluation, to better plan for action
Promote solidarity among members and around
Develop a draft programme for self -reliance (creating a mutual fund)
Participate in activities for public interest such as envirmnement care
Thanks Fabian. And you know what? We hope that 2013 wil bring the opportunity for many friends to come and learn from all those rich experience from you and Belcompetence team mates. Warm wishes and many many thanks to Liv for being the medium to bring Fabian to Chennai this way. Marlou
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