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At the end of July, 27-31 July 2009 UNFPA in cooperation with AIDS Commission Papua Province just held a workshop on AIDS Competence. The participations come from many NGOs and AIDS Commission Papua Province, Merauke Regency, Jayapura Regency, and Jayapura City1. After the event, AIDS Commission from Jayapura City held the same event for the Peer Educators in this city. They were trained from 2-3 October 2009. In this short time, facilitators that have been following the previous workshop facing a hard work in case of the limited time, but the process was done clearly without any serious problems. Many dreams come from participations. By this dreams they are also make it as one of the factor in arranging their action plan for each district. The Action Plan step also name as realize the dream. These Peer Educators then were divided into 5 SALT teams according to the districts in this city. The idea in formulating the team is to help the AIDS Commission in spreading the AC Process to the whole city (read: the whole population). Each team consists of 4 persons (3 Peer Educators and 1 person from AIDS Commission district secretary). The AIDS Commission in Jayapura has formulating the AIDS Commission in 5 districts in Jayapura City area. This would be really helpful because they can help the AIDS Commission Jayapura City in the programs to the whole city. That is why the facilitators think that involving the AIDS Commission from districts is something important. One of the facilitators (Gracia) will help the team in applying the process in the society. The teams have been starting their action plan by next week. Hope that the process could be done without any serious problem, and can realizing our dream that is to have an AIDS Competence society.

1 Jayapura area was divided into two area; Jayapura Regency (Kabupaten Jayapura, an area headed by Bupati) and Jayapura City (Kota Jayapura, an area headed by Mayor).

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Comment by Gracia Augusta Temongmere on October 15, 2009 at 8:07am
dear Sirinate...
yeah,,, really love to see u on Ning too...
Missing u a lot, how's was your life?
I will try to keep the updates on Ning....
Comment by Sirinate Piyajitpirat on October 15, 2009 at 7:10am
Hello Grace,

So nice to see you on Ning. I like your photo! Thanks for sharing the progress of the AIDS Competence Process in Jayapura - 5 SALT teams have been established! And, congratulations on your important and leading role as a facilitator on this process. Please keep us updated.


Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on October 14, 2009 at 6:57pm
Dear Gracia,

Thanks for your response. Great going.

Comment by Gracia Augusta Temongmere on October 14, 2009 at 5:50pm
Dear dr. Rajesh
Thanks for the support,,,

dear Rituu,,
Well AIDS Commission is also a part of government, I thought it could be a part of poltical institusion and it is one of the advocacy to the government to be more serius in helping people and mking HIV become one of their important a their attention...

Dear Laurence
Well,,,,, it really help the AIDS Commission work because finally they can applied BCC as one of their plan in Action plan, and all the action that they done will be put in AIDS Commission workplan, and they will try to take it as one of the AWP in the district.
The Process is not quetly different but each community has their own problem, so when the SALT being implemented in the community, the Peer Educators facing manyproblems in doing the process...
I'll put it in the next post,,,,

Comment by Laurence Gilliot on October 12, 2009 at 5:28am
Hi Gracia,

Thank you so much for sharing the progress in Jayapura. I think your strategy for going to scale in the city is interesting, especially having mixed teams of peer educators and members of the AIDS Commission.

I'm sure that the close contact with communities will help the AIDS Commission to understand the realities in the field even more. The AIDS Commission will then also then be able to support communities who have a strong action plan through linking them to existing resources.

Can you tell us more what you think about the process? Is it different? Is it complementary to the work of the AIDS Commission?


Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on October 10, 2009 at 8:55pm

Congratulations to you and your team! Who are the members of AIDS commission? Is it an administrative or political body?


Comment by Dr Rajesh Gopal on October 10, 2009 at 1:19pm
Do keep up the good work initiated so effectively and sincerely.
Best wishes.

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