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A Declaration on the Universal Right to Dream

Dear Friends of the Constellation,  

As a celebration of our ten year anniversary, please find below a Declaration on the Universal Right to Dream. Does it resonate with you? Shall we make it our Constellation manifesto, for people to sign all over the world?

Happy holidays!


Declaration on the Universal Right to Dream

Every person and every human community is able to generate its own vision of the future and has the essential resources to realize it.

To call upon these resources we change our perception of ourselves and others:

  • We recognize the fundamental goodness of all human beings, and thus overcome our fears and our prejudice to address the roots of exclusion
  • We seek neither saints nor sinners, but appreciate what is good and beautiful in every person
  • Between the money and the person we choose the person
  • We cultivate our relationships in such a way that all human beings develop and make use of their full potential
  • We regularly review our actions and use our experience to adapt them
  • We actively search for knowledge that enhances our autonomy
  • We create the space that allows us to listen to ourselves and others
  • We mobilize our own energies and share them with others
  • We organize ourselves to serve our vision and define our own criteria of progress.

Therefore we, temporary residents of Planet Earth, declare, in union with our ancestors and our descendants, our right to create our shared vision for the future and to implement actions to realize it.

This statement is a living text. As signatories, we use it as a rallying point for joint action and for the induction of common principles emerging from our actions.

We do not demand anything to exercise our right to dream. We unite to create our shared vision throughout our living spaces, neighborhoods, villages, associations, places of work, worship and leisure. 

Views: 152


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Comment by Dr. E. Mohamed Rafique on January 8, 2015 at 4:42pm

We dream. There are different dreams.  We hitch our life to our dream. Dreams could change. Accordingly, our lives change for the better.

The right to dream is not only universal but has been in existence when man saw his first dream! 

Comment by Eric UWINTWAZA on December 24, 2014 at 2:16pm

Bonjour chère Marie et merci de nous avoir partagé ce rêve que nous allons essayer de transformer en réalité au courant de l'année en vue. Joyeux Noël et Bone Année 2015 à toutes les étoiles de la Constellation.


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