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Shabakie Fernandes's Blog (7)



 By James Patrick Kinney


Six humans trapped by happenstance

 In dark and bitter cold

 Each one possessed a stick of wood,

 Or so the story's told.


Their dying fire in need of logs,

 The first woman held hers back.

 For on the faces around the fire,

 She noticed one was black.


The next man looking cross the way,

 Saw one not of his church,

 And couldn't bring himself…


Added by Shabakie Fernandes on November 25, 2011 at 6:00pm — 4 Comments

SALT VISIT with Miss Guyana African Queen Pageant Delegates

The Guyana Faith-and HIV Coalition along with Group 2 in support of the Community Life Competence process as a mean of stimulating local response and ownership by communities did a workshop with the Miss Guyana African queen Pageant delegates to stimulate their WOT and WOW towards their concerns using their strengths.

In terms of introduction of participants we used “ I am like this food …..  because …..” to stimulate their feelings towards the workshop and helped participants…


Added by Shabakie Fernandes on November 23, 2011 at 7:40pm — 2 Comments

SALT VISIT to Wesleyan Church in South Ruimveldt

The GuyanaFaith-and HIV Coalition  with Group 2 in support of the Community Life Competence process held a sensitization workshop for the youths of the Wesleyan Church to stimulate their Way of Thinking and Ways of Working towards some social Stigmas.   


Introduction of participants using a fruit to indicate their personality and helped participants to feel comfortable, relaxed and a part of a community that knows each other.



Added by Shabakie Fernandes on November 23, 2011 at 7:30pm — 1 Comment

SALT VISIT with patients at the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs, Amerindian Hostel

The Guyana Faith-and HIV Coalition with Group 2 in support of the Community Life Competence process held a sensitization workshop for approximately 50 Patients from five different regions who participated in  the workshop  at the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs, Amerindian Hostel to stimulate their Way of Thinking and Ways of Working towards on the topic sexual offences.            


 Exercise 1 - Hopes and…


Added by Shabakie Fernandes on November 23, 2011 at 7:00pm — 1 Comment

Group 2 First Salt Visit (Assistant Prison Officers)

The Guyana Faith-and HIV Coalition in support of the Community Life Competence process as a mean of stimulating local response and ownership by communities did a workshop with the trainee prison officers who will soon be appointed, Assistant Prison Officers. The officers focused on discipline as it relates to their family, home and work communities.


During the half day’s learning experience, 28 participants were introduced to five exercise steps, while participating…


Added by Shabakie Fernandes on November 23, 2011 at 6:24pm — 1 Comment


Lately I have been in the state of go,go go, not taking time for myself or anything. Then it dawned on me,' Shabakie you ae doing a service for humanity'. After this revelation I realised that by being on the go,go,go I am able to fullfill my purpose towards humanity and sprinkle SALT , wherever I go. I have sprinkled SALT in my relationships both personal and general and this approach has never failed me. I will continue to do so as…


Added by Shabakie Fernandes on November 23, 2011 at 4:33pm — 2 Comments

Youth Empowerment Salt visit

The Guyana Faith-and HIV Coalition with group 2 in support of the Community Life Competence process as a mean of stimulating local response and ownership by communities did a workshop with two youth groups to stimulate their WOT and WOW towards their concerns using their strengths.

Introduction of participants using the weather inside to stimulate their feelings towards the workshop and helped participants to feel comfortable, relaxed and a part of a community that knows each…


Added by Shabakie Fernandes on November 23, 2011 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment

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