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Phil's Blog – April 2010 Archive (4)

SALT visits; the usual way and the SALT way

I would like to share with you a story that comes from Luc Barrière-Constantin about SALT visits. It helps me to be very clear about the difference between my 'usual' way of doing things and the possibility of doing different. Luc is a founding member of the Constellation and currently works for UNAIDS in Tanzania.

In his story he compares two visits that he made to the Karyako Health Centre in Kigali, Rwanda. In his first visit that he made in 1994, he came as an expert…

Added by Phil on April 25, 2010 at 11:30am — No Comments

The power of appreciation in SALT

How do we know that appreciating strengths works? Well, I know. I am absolutely clear of its power. Here is how I know.
I have told this story twice within the Constellation and on each occasion I have felt a little embarrassed and uncomfortable. But what happened was for me so powerful and changed what I do that I thought I would share it here.
My wife was a governor at our local secondary school. It is quite a large school with about 1,400 pupils. Well, as sometimes happens, there was…

Added by Phil on April 17, 2010 at 9:35pm — 7 Comments

More on SALT and appreciating strengths

I want to describe a way that I use to appreciate strengths. It helps me. Perhaps it can help others.
In a previous blog, I described how I came to understand one element of SALT as the idea that I needed to learn from an engagement with a community.
Before I start I would like to explain a little about my attitude toward knowledge. In a world that values knowledge perhaps this explanation will cause some surprise. I do not value knowledge highly. It takes time and effort to…

Added by Phil on April 9, 2010 at 5:47pm — 1 Comment

SALT and learning

The L is SALT is for Learning. For me, this part of the acronym had the most immediate and powerful impact on how I did things.

I first heard about SALT when I visited Ian and Alison Campbell at the Salvation Army Headquarters in London in (I think) February 2004. I had heard a lot about Ian and Alison before the visit, but that did little to prepare me for the flood of ideas and energy that I encountered that afternoon. It took me a long time to take in all of them. But…

Added by Phil on April 2, 2010 at 3:29pm — 10 Comments

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