Ithink oneof our greatestachievementsinthose daysthere was a meetingwith representatives of theinternet-community.Me,Tatianaand AlexanderAfanasiadiFidippovuloved the idea ofSALTand we reallywanted to tryto do somethinglike that.November 30th, we invitedpeople to him, which are knownfortheir publicationson the Internet -bloggers,journalistsandan alternativesocial network users,as well askids fromthe youth organizations. We were very worriedthat theywill refuseour invitation andwill not come.And they wereveryhappy to see themwhenthey comehere.At firstthe conversation wasa bitcompressed,soit wasnot clearhow to speak.But graduallywarmtea, storiesabout his lifeparticipantsgaveimpetusforfurther discussion.Allturned out to besoactive,thatinstead of 1.5hours, which wehad originally plannedto meet,weproobschalismore than 4 hoursandposturalrazoglishomeat night.Butwewentwith a veryjoyfulemotions. As it turned out, we have alot in common -isto achieveandthe knowledge thatweare willing to sharewith each other.
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