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Jennifer Lentfer
  • Washington, DC
  • United States
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Jennifer Lentfer's Friends

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  • Nabaraj Adhikari
  • Tim Slack
  • joseph koïvogui
  • David M A Evans
  • chris
  • Kamlashanker Vishvakarma
  • E. Christina Joy
  • Tevin Shepherd
  • Christina Maria Padman
  • Maria Dupina
  • Dr. Mukesh  Bhachawat
  • Gerard Ee Huck LIan

Jennifer Lentfer's Requests

What's your advice for people embarking on an aid career or any international do-gooder endeavor?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jennifer Lentfer May 12, 2011. 5 Replies

I’ve been invited to speak at my alma matter and so I’ve been eagerly reading fellow bloggers’ recent advice for students and aid career seekers. See Tales from the Hood’s posts on…Continue

Tags: industry, humility, graduate, foreign, international


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Jennifer Lentfer
About Me:
Jennifer Lentfer has worked with over 300 grassroots organizations in east and southern Africa over the past decade, focusing on organizational development and learning. Currently, she is the creator/editor of, a blogsite aimed at putting real resources behind local means of overcoming obstacles.
My dream:
Rather than being the lowest common denominator of international assistance, local, indigenous organizations are regarded as the fundamental unit of effective development aid and are recognized as vital to achieving demand-driven development that can genuinely challenge power asymmetries and unleash social change.
I'm proud of:
Jennifer's work is an expression of a professional, but more importantly, a personal resolve to support aid practitioners to become more effective in facilitating the development of sovereign local organizations and social movements.

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Jennifer Lentfer's Blog

Actually, it was my capacity that needed to be built

Posted on September 28, 2015 at 2:23pm 2 Comments

“Capacity building” has been in every job description or programmatic strategy of every international aid and philanthropic organization with which I’ve worked over the past 15 years. In some form or another, I’ve led, funded, or facilitated workshops, exchange visits, trainings intended to enhance the knowledge and skills of people who live in poor countries. 

Along the way, as an “expat” aid worker, as a grantmaker, as a manager and a communicator, I’ve…


21 "How-to" Resources on Fundraising for Community-Based Organizations

Posted on December 8, 2014 at 1:06pm 1 Comment

Fundraising Resources for Community-Based Organizations

  1. Basic Fund-Raising for Small NGOs/Civil Society in the Developing World, from Coyote Communications
  2. Core Costs Funding Strategies, from BOND’s Guidance Notes Series…

The stories still hard to find: The local responses to Ebola

Posted on October 20, 2014 at 2:14pm 1 Comment

This morning when I googled "local response" + "ebola", here's some of the headlines I found:

Nurse's visit spurs Ohio Ebola fears 

Florida: County and hospitals prepare for Ebola

As KU Hospital tests patient with Ebola-like symptoms, Lawrence agencies coordinate response

Denton City Council to be briefed on virus…


40 ways to help your organization survive tough financial times

Posted on January 28, 2014 at 3:27am 0 Comments

By Isaac Roy Kyeyune, Director at FIND Partners International in Kampala. (This originally appeared as a guest post on

The year 2013 saw trends that are changing resource politics for civil society. These are a wakeup call to not only strengthen, but diversity your…


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At 2:54pm on October 24, 2014, Rituu B. Nanda said…

You have been featured on this community for your valuable contribution. Thanks Jennifer for the opportunity to learn from your experience!

At 12:07pm on October 9, 2014, Rituu B. Nanda said…
Hi Jennifer,
Thanks for visiting the Constellation community today. Warm greetings!
At 12:19pm on June 19, 2012, Rituu B. Nanda said…

Thanks Jennifer your responses especially to Michael. We can learn so much from your experience. I am hoping you can make it for the Global Learning Festival in Nov.

At 12:13pm on June 6, 2012, John Piermont Montilla said…

hello there Jennifer. I am Johnpierre, the wandering wonderer

At 11:01am on April 2, 2012, MariJo said…

Hello Jennifer,

It is a pleasure to stay touch with you and thank you for all the blogging activity you share with us. 


At 8:11pm on October 11, 2011, Dr Sima Barmania BMdsci MBBS MPH said…

Hi Jennifer,


Thanks for adding me as a friend.


Great Posts.



At 12:31am on September 7, 2011, Jasper Touna said…

Hi Jennifer, your dream and concern is in line with what I always think of achieving one day, by convincing international and local funders to fund direct on community needs.

Kind Regards


At 7:13pm on September 2, 2011, Rituu B. Nanda said…

Dear Jennifer,


Thanks for your regular postings in this community. They have helped me reflect deeply on some issue. I highly appreciate your contribution. We have not had a chat for some time and I miss our brief chats on skype.




At 4:55pm on August 30, 2011, Elischia Fludd said…
Hi there, nice to meet you Jennifer!
At 1:05pm on May 28, 2011, Autry Haynes said…
dear Jennifer, thanks for the invitation. Looking forward to rewarding interaction as we share and learn (^_^)