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Eric UWINTWAZA's Friends

  • Yumilah Govinden
  • MUHITIRA Jeudi Bonheur
  • Nathalie
  • charles esibikhwa edward
  • Carmen Indrani
  • Ciza
  • Célicia Theys
  • Hergesell
  • Nsengiyumva Evelyne
  • Annick Peeters
  • Loïs Hutubessy
  • Autry Haynes
  • khorchi laurie
  • Gilbert NIYONKURU

Eric UWINTWAZA's Requests

Tools CLCP on stimulating young entrepreneurs

Started this discussion. Last reply by Carmen Indrani Mar 31, 2016. 6 Replies

Hi dears, Racines de l'Espoir (Roots of Hope) is training young facilitators to deal with peace building and also with employment skills/entrepreneurship as a way to prevent youth from manipulation…Continue

Tags: Entrepreneurship, building, Peace, skills, Employability

Would you please advice me a project to visit in a post conflict context about youth participation and youth entrepreneurship?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nathalie Legros May 23, 2014. 5 Replies

Dear collègues,I am conducting a feasibility study of a youth project and I think to orient a pilote project in peace building and entrepreneurship in Burundi. Then I would propose to empower youth…Continue

Mobilisation des ressources ou pratique 10

Started Jun 15, 2012 0 Replies

Français (English will follow) Bonjour,pour préciser ma récente demande concernant mon travail de recherche, je souhaiterais des expériences de notre communauté en ligne sur les points suivants:1.…Continue

Share your experience on Ressource mobilization "Practice 10"

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jennifer Lentfer Jul 2, 2012. 3 Replies

French (English will follow) Bonjour à tous et à toutes, le poste suivant s’inscrit dans le cadre de ma recherche pour valider ma formation à Distance : Master en Ingénierie des Systèmes de Formation…Continue

Tags: resource



Latest Activity

MUHITIRA Jeudi Bonheur replied to Eric UWINTWAZA's discussion Warm welcome to new members in the group Burundi Facilitating Team
"Welcome to the new members in Burundi Facilitating Team and hope that their experiences and challenges will help us to grow our group.It will also help to better understand other communities issues so we can efficiently apply CLCP in our…"
Oct 30, 2019
MUHITIRA Jeudi Bonheur liked Eric UWINTWAZA's discussion Warm welcome to new members
Oct 30, 2019
Eric UWINTWAZA added a discussion to the group Burundi Facilitating Team

Warm welcome to new members

Hello people,Let's welcome new members of the group from Racines de l'Espoir. This Burundian organization applies CLCP in most of it's interventions in communities. I say thank you and welcome members to share their experiences and challenges here and learn from other groups as well.Dear Vianney HAVYARIMANA, Evelyne NSENGIYUMVA, Isidore NSHIMIRIMANA and friends, you are invited to interact.Eric UWINTWAZASee More
Oct 30, 2019

Profile Information

Racines de l'Espoir
About Me:
I am 43 years old father of three children: two girls-twins of 9 years old, a 5 years old boy and a 3 years old girl. I like to learn from others and share with them what I know in the fields of peace, food security, HIV and AIDS, SRH and employment.
My dream:
To be a tree under which people can sit and talk present and future with pacific methods and to sharp ears to capture all positive lessons from humanity.
I'm proud of:
People working for civil society organizations in Burundi and elsewhere in the world which I consider as "Roots of Hope" (Racines de l'Espoir).
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Posted on June 15, 2016 at 7:08pm 4 Comments

Merci à Hervé, Jean-Baby et les autres pour le partage de votre expérience sur l'écoute.

Personnellement, c'est un exercice continu mais j'ai toujours des difficultés. Pourtant dans la tradition de mon pays il y a beaucoup de réussites dans ce domaine:

Les conflits au niveau communaiutaire ne devraient pas arriver dans les cours et tribunaux avant l'intervention des facilitateurs de la résolution pacifique des conflits appelés "Bashingantahe" Avant de donner une sentence…


Maintenir la cohésion sociale entre les jeunes pendant l'insécurité post électorale

Posted on March 21, 2016 at 10:30am 0 Comments

Comme vous l'aurez sans doute lu dans le rapport annuel de la Constellation, Burundi Compétence tente de maintenir la cohésion sociale entre les jeunes pendant l'insécurité post électorale.

Jeunes et vieux bénévoles, nous sommes unis dans nos différences d'âge, de sexe, d'opinions politiques, religieuses et autres. Nous avons décidé que malgré les craintes d'un climat sécuritaire et économique qui se dégrade de jour en jour, nous devons agir sur nos vulnérabilités de manière…


Keep solidarity among youth during post electoral insecurity

Posted on March 21, 2016 at 10:23am 0 Comments

As you may have read this in the annual Constellation's report, Burundi Competence tries to keep solidarity among youth. Volunteers young and old, we are united in our differences in age, sex, political opinion, religion,... We decided that despite fears due to the day by day deterioration of the security and economic climate, we should act upon our vulnerabilities in solidarity. When certainly most of our compatriots feel overwhelmed, we feel that it is not the time to give up but to…


The importance of feeling important!

Posted on November 20, 2013 at 10:59am 0 Comments

Some years ago, I worked for the National AIDS Council (NAC) on a project funded by the World Bank. It was a well-funded project and we set up youth centres in 129 districts. We gave money to Youth Associations for training and sensitisation. We had more than enough money, we had set-up an excellent programme and we had a group of very knowledgeable people who were dedicated to behaviour change in young people. 

And I was one of…


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At 11:04am on December 30, 2013, Rituu B. Nanda said…

Hi Eric, Bon Anniversaire! Your blogs on Ning this year were definitely a highlight of 2013 for me. Best wishes on your special day.

At 11:33am on December 29, 2012, Rituu B. Nanda said…

A very happy birthday Eric! Best wishes. Enjoy your birthday.

At 9:51am on June 13, 2012, Rituu B. Nanda said…

Thanks for your nice message!

At 5:25am on February 16, 2011, Laurence Gilliot said…

Cher Eric,


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