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Community Action Day

We celebrate Community Action Day every year. Join this group to connect with other communities around the world who participate in the event. This year it will be in September.The logo has been designed by Marjolein.

Members: 119
Latest Activity: Jan 14, 2013


Reflection on Community Action Day 2011

Started by Rituu B. Nanda. Last reply by Rituu B. Nanda Dec 14, 2011. 5 Replies

Dear All, Greetings! Let's do an After Action Review of Community Action Day to reflect on our experience.May I request for your inputs on the following questions:1. What went well in Community…Continue

Tags: AAR, learn, SALT, 2011, Action

Logo for Community Action Day

Started by Rituu B. Nanda. Last reply by Mimi Gerniers Sep 26, 2011. 18 Replies

Dear All, Several members have suggested that we can have a logo for Community action day. Marjolein from Netherlands has kindly offered to design the logo. Any suggestions for the logo? What should…Continue

Tags: Constellation, CAD, Logo


Started by suardika iwayan Nov 23, 2010. 0 Replies

dear all,big thank you for your sharing in this program (CAD). i also already read your toolkit. very useful for me in Bali, how to improve the community in the program, make involve and speaking…Continue

Comment Wall


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Comment by M.L. Prabakar on November 23, 2010 at 11:52am
Dear Anthony,

Great Posting, thanks for keeping the energy alive. You are great inspiration for me for a prompt and timely response. I really cherish the time we all spend together with these amazing people who are the pillars of Narisaksham. My sincere thanks to the field and admin team who supported this amazing event.

Warm regards,

Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on November 23, 2010 at 10:43am
Dear Blaise,

A warm welcome to Community Actioin day group. We are happy to have you with us. Look forward to your inputs.

Warm regards,

Comment by Blaise SEDOH on November 23, 2010 at 10:01am
particulièrement avec les jeunes et avec l'appui de l'UNFPA des actions sont en cours de préparations dans 3 villes à savoir: Mango (600 Km de lomé), Vogan et Avé (environ 50km de lomé la capitale: on peut retenir commes actions:
- Lancement de la Campagne de test de dépistage VIH GRATUIT pour Jeunes et Femmes
- Assemblée Constituante de 3 Clubs Antisida des CCEJ Mango, Vogan et Avé
- GRANDE KERMESSE ANTISIDA avec des cadeaux offerts par l’UNFPA
Comment by Blaise SEDOH on November 23, 2010 at 9:44am
c'est avec plaisir que je reprends contact avec pour vous transemettre mes sincères encouragements pour toute l'imagination d'actions innovantes dont chacun de nous fait preuve. au Togo, tout le monde se mobilise avec la croix rouge Togolaise pour la jounée mondiale de lutte contre le Sida et Community Action Day;
Comment by YERUVA ANTHONY REDDY on November 23, 2010 at 5:32am
CARE SAKSHAM is a project working with 29 Community Based Organisations of Female Sex workers and Men who have sex with men. Through this project CARE is providing technical support to CBOs to enhance the community participation in HIV prevention. To strengthen the CBOs, CARE has identified 20 FSW/MSM community faculty and ten mentors for providing onsite support to CBOs. In addition to onsite capacity building, CARE will be facilitating promotion of Learning Sites for onsite capacity building to many other organisations to replicate the best practices representative of community mobilisation.

CARE will be celebrating community action day with 29 FSW and MSM CBOs on 6th & 7th December 2010. Community faculty and the mentors will be facilitating for self assessment and action plan development and ofcourse ACP clap and energy clap. Self Assessment and action plan development would focus on competence for System Strengthening through creation of space for FSWs and MSMs to take lead in HIV prevention efforts.

We will upload the photographs of the events. The event will be lead by K.Padmavathy, S.Santhosh, D.Shanta, Mr.Madhav and myself.
Comment by Joma on November 22, 2010 at 1:01pm
On 5th Dec 2010 I plan to organise a Suicide Prevention Workshop with a Church Leaders to 8 Communities
Comment by YERUVA ANTHONY REDDY on November 22, 2010 at 6:54am
Nari Saksham' CBO of Female Sex Workers in Rajamundry, Andhra Pradesh, India has celebrated Community Action Day during 18th-20th November 2010.
20 community facilitators representing ten local CBOs and the staff implementing Targeted intervention with Female Sex workers joined together for this event. The event started with 'Dream Building' exercise that was facilitated by Ms.Ritu and Mr.Prabhakar. 20 Community facilitators from ten CBOs were divided into three groups and worked out their dreams and presented it before the group. Later all common chart of their dreams was worked out by the community members.

Next day the community facilitators were oriented on 'Self Assessment', the community elaborately discussed and defined 7 practices that they intend to work to accomplish their dreams. Community discussed on five levels and what each level means to the community. Participants conducted SALT visits to 2 local CBOs to discuss on the practices and what it means to them. Community facilitators stimulated the groups so well that two beautiful stories have emerged out of the visits. One story about 'Meghamala Sangham' is posted by me and the other one by Mr.Prabhakar in the aids competence ning.

The final day was a highly productive as the 20 community facilitators and another 20 community people from local CBOs came debated on various practices, levels to do their own self assessment. Community were very articulate and expressed their opinions very strongly to arrive at the levels on each of the practices.

On the final day, Prabhakar made the group sing, do ACP clap and energy clap. The group got so excited that each of them shared that they practiced 'Tandanane Tandanane' song taught by Prabhakar after going home during the night. I will share the video of the link by evening. Padma Rani & Ritu will share the Self Assessment and Action plan that community have worked together and the photographs of the event. It was indeed an exciting beginning to the community action day. Nari Saksham will be celebrating the community action day with ten local CBOs, helping them to work on their dreams, do self assessment and action plan for the next six months, do an ACP & Energy clap and not to forget to make the community sing and dance to the tune of 'Tandanane Tandanane' taught by Prabhakar. Padma Rani and Jaya Lakshmi will be coordinating the follow up event with ten local CBOs.

Thanks to all the community facilitators, Padma Rani, Jaya Lakshmi and the other TI staff and not but the least Ms.Ritu and Mr.Prabhakar who were instrumental in making this great beginning a reality,
Comment by Olivia Munoru on November 22, 2010 at 6:30am
Hi everyone!
Imagine if a community did CAD around the issue of Domestic Violence! Wouldn't that be a powerful way of inspiring a community to respond to this issue! Furthermore, next week is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (25th November), followed by 16 days of Solidarity.

If you know someone working in the area of Domestic Violence, why not plant a seed - invite them to join this group and send them the Resource Package....

I'm going to do it right now!!!!

Comment by Autry Haynes on November 21, 2010 at 1:57pm
In partnership with UNFPA and Guyana Responsible Parenthood Association (GRPA) dream building, self assessment and action planning will be done with cosmetologists in the Linden community, a town 65 miles south of Guyana's captial, Georgetown. This SALT visit be conducted over two days and is intended to develop concrete actions by this group that they will do in a sustainable way to reduce risk / vulnerability and support infected / affected by HIV.

A similar activity was done with the Guyana Cosmetologists Association in Georgetown and was successful, hence the invitation to conduct similar sessions with other groups that UNFPA/GRPA are working with.

Regards to ALL colleagues engaging in different activities during this period and look forward to lessons learned and sharing!
Comment by Dr. E. Mohamed Rafique on November 20, 2010 at 4:51am
Dear Rituu,

Please add that CARE India EMPHASIS program is also selecting the best responder from among its 24 Outreach workers who has contributed or responded in its online Ning Community.

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