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Hi friends,


The end of 2010 is approaching so fast. What an exciting year! So much inspiration, progress, fabulous moments, tears of sadness, joy and laughter...


What was the highlight of the year for you (related to the Community Life Competence Process)? What was the strongest and most touching moment of the year?


Your sharing will inspire us for the annual report!

Thanks in advance,





Salut les amis,


La fin de l'année 2010 approche à grande vitesse. Quelle merveilleuse année! Tant d'inspiration, de progrès, de moments fabuleux, des larmes de tristesse, de joie et de rire...


Quel était le moment le plus important de l'année pour vous (en lien avec l'approche de la Compétence)? Quel était le moment le plus fort, le plus touchant de l'année?


Votre partage nous inspirera pour le rapport annuel!

Merci d'avance,



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Réponse de Younoussa

Ecrire une histoire...

Je penses bien que le moment le plus fort par rapport à l'approche cette année a été la séance d'écriture d'une histoire. Vous savez, il est très bon de réaliser des activités mais il est mieux de savoir partager cela avec d'autres et avec la manière. C'est cela l'esprit de l'approche. Comme les vieilles personnes le disent:" Maa kelen ka soro tè soro ye", autrement dit: "l'avoir individuel ne représente rien". Et cet avoir peut être le matériel, le savoir, le spirituel, la compétence, etc. S'il n'est pas partagé avec la communauté, c'est voué à une fin brève. Il n'y aura pas de durabilité.


Par rapport à l'approche de la Compétence, le moment le plus fort pour moi était l'initiation, l'organisation, l'animation, la gestion et la mise en place de "Community Action Day" ouff!!! quel nom aussi stimulant, rassembleur, communicateur, ainsi que porteur: "community Action Day". Un travail en équipe bien réussi qui a aidé à la valorisation des activités de nos communautés les plus reculées en partageant leur travail avec le reste du monde. J'ai beaucoup appris en travaillant avec toute l'équipe CAD. L'humour, le partage d'histoire individuelle, le respect et la considération des points de vue des autres, les messages instantannés aux membres  pour stimuler et susciter l'envie de partager, l'accueil chaleureux d'un membre dans le groupe etc... sont autant de compétences apprises.


Jeanne d'Arc

Réponse de Junior Kalonji donnée par skype


Je pense à l'atelier d'orientation au début du mois de mai. Ca a inauguré le début d'une nouvelle ère pour le SALT en RDC, celle de l'extension dans toute la république et la confirmation du partenariat avec le leadership de la lutte au niveau national (le pnmls). C'est aussi le début d'une grande et enrichissante expérience pour tous les facilitateurs.

The highlight of 2010 for me was the first coming together of India Competence at Chennai. For, too long we had cherished as a dream: the birth of India Competence, and  If I can recollect right it was around Jan 2010, that India Competence had their first ever meeting, SALT visit, Self Assessment, et al. Of Course, it would not have come about had it not been for all the enthusiasm, drive, and tireless work of the India members, led by Rituu, the first National Coordinator of India Competence. And, getting Rituu, my nominee elected as the National Coordinator for India Competence, was also sweet defeat for me, cause she nominated me!

For me 2010 has been a great year as it has given me tremendous opportunities to learn. The biggest learning in the year for me is getting introduced to CLCP. In the month of September 2010, I have gone through a small proposal submitted by Rituu, National Coordinator, India competence group but could not make out anything by reading the proposal. But when I first visited the orientation on SALT to Nari Saksham team held in the month of October 2010, I began to realise the strengths of this approach. Just three days of orientation facilitated by Rituu and Indumathi was sufficient to make me feel that this approach is so close to me. Since then interaction with Rituu and my visits to this website helped me learn more about this approach. It did not take me long to get convinced and replicate this approach with my team and many CBOs of Sex workers and MSM interventions.  In the same month, I had been to Koppal district in Karnataka to witness the impact of SALT visits. SAMRAKSHA and The Constellation organised a week long programme. Visits to villages, FSW CBOs and Care centre and the interactions with communities helped me learn what self less love is all about. Since then I have changed as a person, began to be more appreciative, express self less love and keep practicing SALT.


Thanks to Rituu and many others of India competence group for making this possible.

Hello everybody,

I think that every single moment that took place in 2010 when putting in practice the CLCP is a moment to highlight as it is one step forward to our common dream of competent communities joining together to address life issues.

But if I need to highlight one aspect that has substantially increased in 2010 is the diversity that permeates all our relationships: diversity of issues, diversity of communities, diversity of projects, diversity of partnerships, all using the same approach adapted freely to the actual needs.

Diversity is one of the hardest things to achieve when trying to use a single approach, but it is at the same time one of the worthiest values that needs to be in place so that to allow everyone to have a feeling of belonging.

I think the Constellation is succeeding in ensuring that diversity be more that just a nice word but a splendid reality in which we all have a place. Congratulations to all!

With my best wishes for 2011 for the Constellation community at large.




Thanks Marijo, this is beautiful and so true. Just look at this forum discussion (which is only starting) you can see Younoussa from Mali, Jeanne d'Arc from Cameroon, Junior from DRC, Rafique and Anthony from India and you Marijo from Spain...

Message de Mamoutou de Ségou, au Mali, envoyé par email


Je pense que le moment le plus fort pour moi est mon appartenance à ce beau groupe de personnes partageant quotidiennement les idées en matière de lutte contre le VIH et le SIDA avec l'approche locale. C'est en cela qu'on pourrait venir à bout de cette pandémie. Je reçois la bonne pratique d'autres communautés et d'autres en reçoivent de moi. En un mot le partage d'expérience entre les membres.

Mahamadou Oumar TRAORE
dit Mamoutou
Coordinateur de l'ONG GAAS-MALI à Ségou
Tél.76 27 74 79


Dear all,


The most strongest and most touching moment of the year due to CLCP for me is that Liberation, expertise and furnishing and  practicing my English.

Before I work using CLCP and SALT approach I find that I was a generalist among reproductive health specialist working at UNFPA Indonesia.  I did only managerial and M&E services to the Fund. Then at middle of 2009 I was an interpreter of HIV-ADS consultant hired by UNFPA kicked off CLCP at district level. Moreover,  I chatted with Chandra who was at Chaing Mai , initial 2010, who was attending session with The Constellation. He encouraged me to join the ning then The Liberation begin. 

I did SALT Visit, facilitation, learning, sharing and transferring both my work and personal life.  I've also been inspired a concrete advocacy agenda and empowering communities I had work with. I can go and make connection with every community,peoples, government institutions etc, most of the peoples I met then been inspired and start applying SALT and CLCP as way of thinking (WoT)  and way of working (WoW).  Its such a Liberation from very bounded, routine, repetitive modes of thinking and working.

CLCP can make me been awarded as inspiring staff among UNFPA field staff working at 2006-2010 and acknowledgment of my contribution on youth project activity along UNFPA project implementation.  I could also make connection and make community invitation  on doing youth competence by using community own resource both at faith base institution and non faith institutions.

Other is that, I have you all Guys at The Constellations who provide me very comfortable place to read, write, tell story that in turn furnish my English and make me confident to mingle with more colleagues all around the world.  All in all I'm happy really realizing that I can stimulate communities and peoples around me to focus on their strengths and believe that problems my country faced could be overcome began by our individual WoW and WoT which is SALT and CLCP.

Yes, its just like a fairy tale, and I really amazed that I'm the one who is in the tale!!

I love your message Wiwin. I makes me feel very happy :-)

Bonjour à tous,


Pour moi le point fort de l'année 2010 fut la découverte de la Constellation et de BelCompetence. Une belle remise en question a précédé cette découverte et je n'aurais jamais osé rêver pouvoir contribuer à un mouvement aussi positif. Depuis le mois de septembre le SALT est entré dans ma vie et a changé mon regard sur les gens. J'ai appris à connaître tant de chouettes personnes qui sont dans le même état d'esprit et j'ai appris à apprécier des personnes dont j'avais un a priori négatif.

Cette année fut donc sous le signe de la découverte et du changement. En espérant que 2011 puisse m'apporter autant de belles choses.



Dear all - thanks Laurence for this discussion.

I am so much enjoying the diversity of input.

For me, in the context of CST, the highlight of 2010 started as a small 'crisis'. Half way the year we realised that we didnot have the financial resources we hoped to have in order to organise all the activities we would want to. For example: many friends wanted to join the SALT visit in India but we could not help them with resources to get there. Still a nice group was able to mobilise own resources and pay their way to join this highly inspiring event.

The financial challenge even came to a point that we had to delay payments to CST members with a couple of months. The team arranged itself to get around the situation. We felt a joint responsibility and we came out strong. That as such is a highlight!

To turn the crisis into an opportunity we organised a peer assist in Belgium, with a focus on mobilising resources. And yes, some great ideas were born there to mobilise more money for the things we want to do in order to connect local responses. But more-over it became crystal clear that money is an important, yet not our main resource. The Constellation is thriving on people. Constellation can only exist thanks to all those people in all those places who are contributing time, skills, experience, love and sometimes money to the movement of local responses. Lets take care of that. And lets maintain the inspiration that is the fuel for all of us: the learning from local responses. Can we do that together?



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