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Posted on June 4, 2014 at 1:17pm 2 Comments 1 Like
I have been asked about "integration of CORE Approach into CLCP and PAR Process" by many members and I greatly apologize for not being able to respond to you all in this regards. I commit myself that I will share my view point on how the integration could be taken place in my next article.
Nevertheless, I would like to share with you that the CORE Approach (Collaborative for Resilience) is a complimentary method to CLCP or PAR by which CORE Approach more focuses on Conflict…
Posted on February 3, 2014 at 7:04pm 2 Comments 3 Likes
CORE (Collaboration for Resilience) Approach is a powerful approach to deal with Multi-Actors Platform and I also found this complimentary to the CLCP (Community Life Competency Process) that AAS program in Cambodia office is trying to adapt in its Community Visioning exercise. While CLCP is an approach that is developed to organize community to develop common dream, do self-assessment (to assess the dream to reality), developing community action plan, the CORE approach would…
ContinuePosted on December 31, 2013 at 8:24am 8 Comments 4 Likes
The AAS (Aquatic Agriculture System) program final event for the 2013 was Knowledge Fair which was convened in Battambang province, Northwest of Cambodia. The Workshop aimed at bringing knowledge and experience for sharing and create new learning.
The workshop held for three days, the first two days were on exposure visit to a community after they have started to take steps of implementing community action plan, conduct overall After Action Review (AAR) of the whole process of…
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HI Channy! So happy to see you here on NING. I believe you have so much to share to help other facilitators to think creatively about this process. In my time working with you, you have asked some great questions which really challenge me and help me learn. I hope that we can also together inspire others with the work we are doing in Cambodia and around the world, engaging AAS communities to take action locally for their livelihoods.
Hi Hak,
I am so happy to see you here. I am looking forward to learning from your experience in PAR. PAR is my passion:-)
Warm wishes,
Dear Hak,
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Warm regards,
Marlou and Rituu