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I am working as a storyteller in a very diverse and difficult public school in Manhattan. Inspired by the SALT method, that I am learning, I asked 22 young people in a third grade…
Blog FOCUS ON STRENGTH as source of TRANSFORMATION 6 Likes Kausar Skhan Member Kausar Skhan 1 Like SALT Approach to mental health & suicide pre… Hello All, I am currently in discussion with possible partners for 2 interventions : (a) mental health (b) suicide prevention in two sites in Pakistan where many suicides are reported. I am proposing… Discussion SALT Approach to mental health & suicide pre… 4 Likes Appel à projet autour des enjeux du changeme… Chers facilitateurs, facilitatrices, Equipes locale de soutien, associations et autres Brussels International et Bruxelles Environnement lancent conjointement un appel à projets qui vise les organis… Discussion Appel à projet autour des enjeux du changeme… 2 Likes Sarla Sharma Member Sarla Sharma 1 Like We realised what was important for our health, we had to take actionI am working with NGO MAMTA for healthrise program supported by ABT associates and funded by Medtronic philanthropy.Through SALT and CLCP we are trying to motivate…
Blog Even after 4 times follow up when a suspected patient did not get tested 7 Likes Accompanying patient support group actions over the monthsI am working with NGO MAMTA for healthrise program supported by ABT associates and funded by Medtronic philanthropy.Through SALT and CLCP we are trying to motivate…
Blog Accompanying patient support group actions over the months 10 Likes Shimla Knowledge Fair: facilitating conversation without fixed outcomesConstellation worked with NGO Mamta in Healthrise project on…
Blog Shimla Knowledge Fair: facilitating conversation without fixed outcomes 5 Likes Refugees in Amsterdam integrate around a mealLiving your dream by taking small steps
Blog Refugees in Amsterdam integrate around a meal 7 LikesCliquez sur ce lien pour mieux comprendre après deux mois de projet Régional confiance, les communautés ont décidé de prendre leur santé en main : …
Blog Flash Spécial sur la réponse locale des communautés de Bignamou, Guiby,Daninè, Galakpaye En Guinée, Conakry 5 LikesI have recently joined the Resonance Centre for Social Evolution, created by Peter Pula and several partners. They are dedicated to supporting the springing up of what they call resonant…
Blog Resonate!2017: A Transformation Festival 4 LikesLocal response- in the Constellation we define a local response (am citing Philip Forth from our blended learning programme)- A community can take action to deal with a challenge…
Blog Ilkley community response to learning disability- "Sowing the seeds, then let them flower" 3 Likes© 2025 Created by Rituu B. Nanda. Powered by