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The inherent value of the SALT approach to Human Development initiatives lies in that it is a cue to the intended beneficiary that the practitioner respects them. Only when there is a strong sense…
Blog THE VALUE OF SALT APPROACHES 3 LikesParticipants: Laurie Khorchi, Sirinate Piyajitpirat, Sandrine Lo Hun et Jean Baby Fulama.
Questions/Réponses :
1 - En tant que…
Blog Mon retour post-échange Skype (1) de ce vendredi 7 avril 2017: Perspective de soutien des équipes locales de facilitation 3 LikesI have been a way for long and good to be back.
If you have been following the news, Nigeria has been trending in terms of suicide and kidnapping
In the past three weeks, more than…
Blog F.E.A.R | Face Everything And Rise | 4 Likes We may have the answer, but we don’t have the solution ; only communities have.Karachi, Pakistan. (Texte en français à la fin).
On the invitation of the…
Blog We may have the answer, but we don’t have the solution ; only communities have. 5 Likes SALT in the Family: Why would I need to be the SALT expert?I have been enjoying many conversations lately with friends in the Constellation around how we as CLCP facilitators apply ‘naturally’ SALT as a way of working in our own lives as well. Sometimes…
Blog SALT in the Family: Why would I need to be the SALT expert? 9 Likes Before the frog boilsMarch 1, 2017
Do we Europeans behave like the legendary frog? You know the story: the frog was living in a pond whose water was heating so slowly that it noticed nothing until it died in…
Blog Before the frog boils 5 Likes Le SALT me permet de vivre positivement,Il y a plus de 18 mois que je vis loin de ma famille, mes amis ainsi que de mon mari pour des raisons professionnelles. Les autres collègues, se demandent comment puis-je vivre et tenir si…
Blog Le SALT me permet de vivre positivement, 4 LikesI remember the words vividly "..happy couples make happy families, happy families make happy communities, happy communities make a happy nation and happy nations make a happy world.." of the song.…
Blog Home visit has significant contribution to S,,to A,,to L to T of SALT 3 Likes Le SALT aux forces de l’ordreJe viens de terminer les séries d’atelier d’initiation à l’approche SALT. Des activités réalisées auprès des communautés dans les 11 régions, en collaboration avec l’Unicef Madagascar. Cela entre…
Blog Le SALT aux forces de l’ordre 4 LikesWhen I entered the van, I scanned the group and was slightly shocked and disappointed. I saw him, someone I totally did not expect to be coming for the outing. “Oh no!”, “Why did he come?”, “How…
Blog Personal reflection about an outing with the men 3 Likes What worked…….the experience of Carre d’As' Local Response!! Blog What worked…….the experience of Carre d’As' Local Response!! 5 Likes
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