Collaborative Global Learning Festival Newsletter 2016- Day two
Today in the Global Learning Festival we divided into four teams to being the SALT visits. The joy and excitement on the faces of the team members who returned from the SALT visits was a beautiful…
BlogCollaborative Global Learning Festival Newsletter 2016- Day two2 Likes
April 2015
Just being human.....................
“I did not know what to expect…….I have not been with this group of women since last year. I like SALT even though I was not trained as a Facilitator. When the team of Facilitators indicated that…
BlogJust being human.....................5 Likes
February 2015
Rituu B. NandaMemberRituu B. Nanda32 LikesDéclaration Universelle du Droit au Rêve
Chers amis de Constellation
A l'occasion de nos dix ans d'existence, voici la Déclaration…
BlogDéclaration Universelle du Droit au Rêve3 LikesHow I used SALT in business sector
Susanne and I recorded the interview of Jan Somers of Belgium during the Global…