SALT visit 1: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) community
What did we expect to happen?
We expected to start the visit at 11:00 a.m. and finish…
BlogFirst "After Action Review" - CLC Nepal4 LikesReflections of the dayphotoReflections of the day3 LikesWhat colour are we?photoWhat colour are we?5 LikesInitiation
25th May, 2013 was my entry point to CLCP Nepal. It was the first day of my journey towards thinking in a different way. i actually didn't know about what makes us human. I…
BlogInitiation7 LikesRuben F. del PradoMemberRuben F. del Prado3 LikesSALT Visit- 13 June 2013photoSALT Visit- 13 June 20133 LikesSALT team after AARphotoSALT team after AAR4 Likes