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In Uaipur, we visited Anganwadi Centre in Upla Chotiya village. When we went…
This is Nirmala. She is just fifteen years old. She is a school drop…
Blog SALT…… A behavioral therapy 2 Likes Community action after community dream on vocational skills in PhilippinesI was introduced to CLCP by Sirinate during a Constellation's partnership with WorldFish in Philippines.
I work with Department of Science & Technology VIII. One…
Blog Community action after community dream on vocational skills in Philippines 3 Likes The desire to connect is more powerful . . .`This is us´, a refugee from Eritrea says after watching `The match of our lives`from the documentary…
Blog The desire to connect is more powerful . . . 3 Likes CLCP can strengthen facilitation skills in health workersIn October 2019, i went to Dumuria village for SALT visit purpose and i meet with ASHA WORKER Mrs. Sohiton Nesa. ASHA is health worker in India.
Then she told me that AK…
Blog CLCP can strengthen facilitation skills in health workers 2 Likes Community based self-reflection by climate activists - How are we doing with our Values and Principles?
Utilising the CLCP self-assessment tool, I guided a group of climate activists through a process of "community self-reflection". Currently, this climate movement is…
As we all know sweets are prohibitive for diabetic patients. In Rajasthan, India community takes ownership under health rise project and used SALT methodology to engaging patients of diabetes,…
Blog SALT is sweeter for Diabetic patient 5 LikesThis morning we sat together and shared what happens to us as individuals and the local support team after IndoCompetnec's "come-back debut". Last year, with no prior experience attending…
Blog One Year after #GLF2018 Bandung - Indonesia #1 4 Likes My most sincerous Acknowledgements I take this time to thank you for all support you have given me. For me learning the SALT approah was the only thing i needed. Before i knew SALT i had several questions related to my life, my peers… Blog My most sincerous Acknowledgements 3 Likes Paruque on ACP MozambiqueHi all,
In Arukah Network's latest 'How To Build Community' podcast, I chat with Sheila Katzman, who the UN tasked with creating a radio station for their peacekeeping efforts in…
Blog Keeping Peace Through Community Radio 1 LikeHi friends, it's been a long time since I do not share with you in this platform, but these days I came to think about how we are looking as SALT practitioners at this issue, gender, that is in…
Blog Thinking of gender 4 Likes From a skeptic to champion of SALTSALT makes solutions of community problems, Community stimulates their vision, learn and link with others situations, and appreciate their efforts to solve any problems, transfer tricks to…
Blog From a skeptic to champion of SALT 2 Likes Stewardship: Leaning into collaborationHi Everyone,
I recently posted a blog on how we need to rethink our role as leaders in community, shifting focus on stewardship rather than leadership.
It might be of interest to…
Blog Stewardship: Leaning into collaboration 3 Likes Are we drinking properly filtered water?SALT Champions have been encouraging the community as part of their action plans for safe drinking water in Borjana village under Srijangram health Block, Bongaigaon district in Assam,…
Blog Are we drinking properly filtered water? 4 Likes What Family Planning Board Officer's think about SALT - SALT's influencing FP Program Indonesia -#3I am a public health professional. I recently attend first learning event of CLCP in Shimla for HealthRise project Transition grant.
I interviewed Virender Thakur from…
Blog Patients as well as health worker took responsibility of their own health 2 LikesFour of the local facilitators attended after activity reflection on introducing SALT and CLCP on Kampong KB initiative. There were
1. Nurkomala Dewi who is good at inclusive education,…
Blog SALT's Effect on Kampong KB (Family Planning Village) - After Activity Reflection - Indonesia #part2 3 Likes SALT's Effect on Kampong KB (Family Planning Village) - Indonesia #part1Hello dearest friends!
These are stories of my individual's experiences and other local facilitators' ones when we worked with 13 groups on the Family Planning/Keluarga Berencana - KB…
Blog SALT's Effect on Kampong KB (Family Planning Village) - Indonesia #part1 2 Likes
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