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For years there has been a sustainable need for more…
Blog How a forgotten group grabbed the spotlight 5 LikesIntroduction. Pinoy-C was an informal group of Filipino colleagues and friends started in 2007. During the pandemic, we reconnected through The Constellation, a multi-country…
Blog Reconnecting with Pinoy-C Leads to an Unexpectedly Rewarding Partnership with The Constellation 3 LikesIt is very interesting and inspiring for me how Storytelling has become a trending topic within The Constellation community at different levels.
I discovered Storytelling some 20 years ago…
Blog My storytelling story 6 Likes The Rise Of The Eco ChurchHello all,
You might enjoy this new episode of the How To Build Community show...
A growing number of churches in the UK are trying to show that the word 'gospel' means good news…
Blog The Rise Of The Eco Church 1 LikeDear Constellation Friends
Attached is a proposed Self Assessment framework for your perusal. Do try it individually, with your family and with other groups. Also, share it with public…
Blog Coronavirus: let us do our part! 4 Likes Can a facilitator also be an educator? Un fa… Dear All, Please share your thoughts and experience on the following questions raised by contributions to The Constellation’s 2019 Report: Why can’t a facilitator also be an educator? In the context… Discussion Can a facilitator also be an educator? Un fa… 2 LikesTowards shared responsibility in a sustained Constellation
IndoCompetence at the Heart of Global Support
Since three years a recurrent priority of…
Blog IndoCompetence at the Heart of Global Support 5 LikesThe very first time i saw the Dancing Jajas from As You Open Your Eyes…
Blog A unique experience : #Briquettes challenge 6 Likes Community spoke...we listened...they shared...we applaudedIf I were to rate the most powerful moments of my work with communities, then Knowledge Fair in Assam would stand out. It was messy, confusing at times but very enriching and a delight to one who…
Blog Community spoke...we listened...they shared...we applauded 9 LikesBefore the start of SALT process in this community ( Village Kanara Beel,…
Blog CHANGE OF PEOPLES THINKING THROUGH SALT 6 LikesMoi aussi, j'étais un enfant de la rue. Après avoir découvert SALT, grâce à Eric uwintawaza, et identifié mes forces, j'ai décidé de les utiliser pour rencontrer d'autres enfants de la rue. Je…
Story written during GLF 2017, a tribute to Bugonga community
Sohail Bawani, Pakistan
October 17,…
Blog On becoming human 4 LikesJe m'appelle Lysiane.
J'ai 31 ans et j'habite à Briançon (Alpes, France).
J'ai eu la chance d'être formée à l'approche du CLCP en 2016 par le programme Triade (avec Luc et Laurie) et…
Blog FRANCE : Le développement du rêve commun par une pratique artistique 4 LikesEn 2015 j'ai proposé à une paroisse protestante de les accompagner dans l'élaboration d'un projet d'église en utilisant l'approche SALT.
Nous avons fait tout le processus au cours d'un WE…
Blog Paroisses protestantes en Belgique 4 Likes Le SALT me permet de vivre positivement,Il y a plus de 18 mois que je vis loin de ma famille, mes amis ainsi que de mon mari pour des raisons professionnelles. Les autres collègues, se demandent comment puis-je vivre et tenir si…
Blog Le SALT me permet de vivre positivement, 4 Likes ARE YOU IN ? Working towards Constellations dream“Is it possible to imagine [...] a world where individuals and communities recognise and respect their common…
Blog ARE YOU IN ? Working towards Constellations dream 6 LikesL’Institut indien de santé publique, Shillong (IIPH) et la Fondation de santé publique de l’Inde (PHFI), avec le soutien de l’Initiative internationale pour l’évaluation d’impact (3ie), mènent une…
Blog L’approche SALT pour l’engagement de la communauté afin d’améliorer la couverture vaccinale en Inde 3 LikesMercredi dernier a eu lieu le premier parcours commenté du projet MobilAccès porté par 3 lycéennes du Lycée Saint-Sauveur à Redon.
Le projet à pour objectif de recueillir lors de parcours…
Blog Créer de la cohésion entre des lycéens et des jeunes en situation de handicap lors de parcours commentés 6 Likes SALT for Green Villages in MalukuWe (Eden, Vittoria & Loïs) are three friends that met through our studies at Amsterdam University College. To complete our bachelor, we are required to do a Community Project. This project…
Blog SALT for Green Villages in Maluku 7 Likes© 2024 Created by Rituu B. Nanda. Powered by