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Gaston's Comments

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At 5:02pm on February 24, 2014, Rituu B. Nanda said…

Thanks Gaston for you message for Gloria. Hope the Mauritius mission is going well. What has been the high moment for you so far?

At 5:02pm on August 29, 2013, Rituu B. Nanda said…

Gaston, you are featured on this platform for your active participation on this network as well as contribution to the Constellation. thank you!

At 12:10pm on February 1, 2013, Rituu B. Nanda said…

Thanks Gaston for sharing on Ning. You bring a great deal of positive energy.

At 3:55am on November 27, 2011, Maizy Tan said…
Hello Gaston, I heard so much about you from both Gloria and JL :)
Thanks for your kind compliments and your opinion of Gloria which I agree totally. Will love to meet and
learn from you the art of facilitation one fine day. I had an 
Inspiring and fruitful week with JL when he was in S'pore.
We are Beyond were very blesses by his presence and sharing.
At 10:31pm on August 30, 2011, Basikila Wa Mputu Paul said…

Bonjour Gaston,

Désolé de vous répondre après tant des jours passés: d'abord je n'étais pas habitué au site life competency et ensuite, je suis confronté à une charge horaire me permettant de me concentrer sur cette opportunité nouvelle d'améliorer mes compétences en matière de communication pour le développement. J'espère que notre connexion va se développer d'avantage et que nous pourrons partager tant d'expérience au bénéfice des populations cibles de nos programmes/projets respectifs

At 7:05am on June 21, 2011, Rituu B. Nanda said…
Welcome to the Asia Pacific competence group, Gaston! You have vast experience of working in Asia Pacific. I look forward to your sharing.
At 5:48pm on April 21, 2011, Sylvia Jacobi said…

Beste gaston,

Natuurlijk , kunnen we nederlands praten hoor. we hebben afgelopen week een training gevolgs van Boris, April en Autry. Het was een geweldige training hoor. ik hoop dus veel meer te leren  en om dus Saltyyyyy te zijn

At 2:26pm on February 10, 2011, Rituu B. Nanda said…
A warm welcome to Peace competence group! Look forward to learning from you Gaston.
At 8:17pm on January 3, 2011, Willemien Dorresteijn said…



Wat fijn dat jullie het goed hadden in duitsland! De laatste 2 jaar ben ik een paar keer bij retraites van opendharma geweest ( en die hebben me heel veel goed gedaan. Heel inspirerend ook - ze hebben ook geleide meditaties op hun website voor als je nieuwsgierig bent.

Grappig dat je het kaartje nog had, stond vast iets liefs op ;)!


Veel liefs en wellicht tot woensdag!


At 10:19am on December 23, 2010, Vichet LOK said…
Hi Gaston: Thank you so much for your comment. Actually, we are doing the SALT and Self Assessment within CHED team. In the progression so far so good. We will back to Phnom Penh on this Friday.
At 7:36am on November 16, 2010, Jiji Joseph said…
Hi Gaston,
warm greetings..
How goes your life in Africa? I heard that you have relocated.... I am currently with a peace movement here in Dimapur... I would like to know more about the peace competence that you are undertaking ..

Have a nice day

At 6:02am on September 28, 2010, YERUVA ANTHONY REDDY said…
Thanks for the nice words Gaston. You are welcome to Andhra pradesh and India. We are trying to facilitate community to community learning through onsite mentoring. It is unique approach and we hope that it works.
We have identified a strong pool of 20 community MSM & Female Sex worker community members and ten mentors and trained them on the importance of collectivization and community mobilization strategy. These thirty members have been divided into ten groups. Each group visits 3-4 implementation site of targeted interventions and provides handholding support to the CBO to manage the Targeted interventions. We intiated this process three months back and so far it is working out well. In addition to this with Ritu's support we are starting SALT approach in one of the CBOs i.e Nari Saksham. If it works we have scope to expand to this 42 TIs in Andhra Pradesh.
At 5:44am on July 27, 2010, Dewi Rahmadania said…
wow..,tenkiu my brother G...!
last nite eky,Lulu and friends give me some suprais.,
they come to my house at 12 o'clock..!
At 7:16am on June 8, 2010, Snehansu Bhaduri said…
Thanks for your inspiration!
I shall be in touch with you after 11th June to start discussion.
At 12:12pm on May 24, 2010, Rituu B. Nanda said…
Peace competence...I like it-:)
At 5:06pm on March 30, 2010, Matthew Boland said…
Hey Gaston, good to see you here too. Was nice to hear from you guys last Thursday from the Congo, hope you are doing well and see you soon.

At 1:16pm on March 13, 2010, Marion said…
Thank you Gaston !! See you in Chiang Mai :)
At 1:23pm on March 2, 2010, angela singh said…
hey Gaston how are how is salt working in congo
At 9:10am on February 24, 2010, Rituu B. Nanda said…
Inspired by Gaston edition last week:-)
At 12:24pm on February 23, 2010, Ryon Rawlins said…
Hi Gaston, please translate what MUKALAYI UMBA Toussaint said on the blog i posted.

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