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hai ...

Here are some activities that we had done for couple months ago. When I heard SALT for the first time from my lecture Mrs. Wiwin, I was interested to bring it to my school, so asked her to come to my school. Then after we had permission from our principal, we held it.


Our School name is Babussalam Boarding School. We held it, for the senior high and also the junior high students.  We shared about their knowledge in Teenagers Health. Many students didn't know about their health, or maybe they just felt shame to ask their parents  about first period (for the girls) the example. And aslo we shared about their dreams (individual and group) 


I was very happy when knew that the students felt the same things. they asked me and Mrs. Wiwin for the next events. here are some photoes : 


beside Babussalam Boarding School Our Team (Mrs. Wiwin, Dina, Santi and Me) came to Rajawali Junior High School to share abou CLCP and SALT also. they felt happy too. and we appriaceted their dream :) here are some Photoes : 


Great students and dreams... wish you guys got something for the best future :) 

Views: 178


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Comment by Sirinate Piyajitpirat on September 27, 2011 at 6:58am

Great start, Venty! Looking forward to learn more on how the students will make their dreams come true.  


Thanks for sharing. 



Comment by venty susanty on September 24, 2011 at 3:11pm

Mrs. Wiwin :  ok bu i'll try it to share my great learning experienced.

Titin : thank you say, come join us

Rituu : ok, thank for the link :)

Marie: ok, I'll try to contact you for the next event 


All thanks for your appriciation :) 

Comment by Marie Chorr on September 24, 2011 at 4:53am

Hi Venty,it is great news that SALT is introduced into your school in Indonesia.Speaking from experience,schools are great melting point for behavioral change.I applaud you for being very brave in introducing what might be a very sensitive topic as the one you have introduced (Teenage reproductive Health).Feel free to contact me if you or your  lecture need any assistance on this process.


best wishes,Marie

Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on September 23, 2011 at 2:12pm

Hi Venty,


Thanks for your sharing. This discussion in youth competence might interest you. Please follow this link


Warm greetings from India, Rituu

Comment by titin hernawati on September 23, 2011 at 2:01am
Great Venty...... keep the wing of ur thought......
Comment by wiwin winarni on September 23, 2011 at 1:57am

Great, great, great!.


Keep sharing Venty, and you will get more valuable information from othar, share more also about learning you experienced.




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