CHP, Care Foundation, Galaxy Club, Kripa Foundation and Prodigals' Home recently launched the Knowledge FAN project in the north eastern states of Manipur and Nagaland with the support of UNAIDS, India.
As part of Phase I of the project, a 3-day capacity building workshop -- on use of tools and processes for community-led knowledge sharing, advocacy and mobilisation -- was held in Dimapur, Nagaland. Fifty two youth and at-risk community participants, including injecting drug users, men who have sex with men, sex workers and positive people from 20 organisations across the 2 states joined the workshop. Participants were trained in use of various creative and interactive tools to support community-led dialogue and networking; advocacy around risk and vulnerability issues; and community mobilisation to support sustainable change.
Phase II of the project will involve building a cross-community knowledge sharing, advocacy and mobilisation platform. This platform is expected to bring together a few hundred young people, community members and key stakeholders (e.g., government, health, law enforcement, academics, NGOs, CBOs, networks, general population) from across the 2 states for a 2-day festive, community-led event. The Knowledge FAN event will use creative tools to showcase issues and support dialogue around them; promote cross-community, community-to-community and community-to-stakeholder dialogue; and begin a process of sustainable networking around issues. The event is scheduled to be held in Imphal, Manipur on March 9 and 10, 2010 (tentative dates). The festival is open to all!
In preparation for this first-of-its-kind festival in the north east participants from several NGOs, CBO, networks and youth and community groups are feverishly planning and preparing. "what issues should we to share?"; "how should we share them so we can generate dialogue within communities and with stakeholders?"; "what creative tools could we use?"; "what stakeholders should we invite?"; "what should the venue look like?"; "what food should we serve?"; "how do we manage time?" and so on. A core group of youth and community members have formed an event planning committee which meets at regular intervals to plan and take stock of progress! There is much excitement around the upcoming Knowledge FAN event!
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