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EANNASO staff members were taken through a general introduction of the HVOS partnership
Platform. The history and purpose of the platform was provided through a write
up and a discussion. Objectives of the learning event both in Senegal during the ICASA and Nairobi event were provided.


Discussion on EANNASO vision, mission and concerns was done to set a baseline of the assessment.


An empowered Civil Society effectively contributing to Eastern Africa region
enjoying a quality of life free of the HIV and AIDS epidemic and its associated


EANNASO will drive a regional HIV prevention agenda that empowers national networks to
effectively contribute to reducing the HIV incidence rates, by strengthening
their institutional and programmatic capacities and enhancing the voice of


In its endeavor to serve its target population, EANNASO will remain true to values that guide programming
and operations of the organization as a whole. These values form an integral
part of the strategy and by making them public, commits the organization to
uphold them:

  1. Integrity: EANNASO staff and members are stewards that believe in professionalism at all levels of service
    delivery, and puts transparency and accountability at the forefront of
    program implementation and the management of public resources
  2. Unity: EANNASO supports consultation and participation of all stakeholders at all stages of their interventions and
    works towards creating a sense of belonging and ownership; through sharing
    and promoting a common voice and vision and valuing the strength of
    teamwork to achieve its mission
  3. Equity: EANNASO promotes a strong rights orientation that reinforces justice, fairness, respect and compassion.
  4. Leadership: EANNASO fosters leadership development at all levels, encouraging innovation and excellence through
    continuous learning.

Some of the concerns that could hamper EANNASO reaching its vision that were discussed include:

- Lack of funding therefore hindering implementation

- Challenges of resource mobilization

- Social cultural barriers – that might fuel the spread of HIV

- Change of global priorities

- Access to right information at the right time

- Lack of adequate Capacities (institutional & operational)

- Poor representation and inclusion of CSOs in matters involving communities

A discussion on the HIVOS partners Self assessment followed that provided the following results:




acknowledgement and recognition


The team agreed on all the hints for level 5 that HIV is part of the teams’ daily life. We agreed
that we are not open about our individual status’ as such put ourselves in
category 4.

Community ownership


Consultations with the national networks are done but not as a routine.

Managing resources


EANNASO is able to acquire resources but not in a state that it can generate resources from its
activities. We agreed that the resources we acquire are used optimally and
believe in value for money…. Making maximum use of resources.

Stigma and discrimination


The general feeling was that EANNASO does very well in stigma as PLHAs are involved in every
aspect of EANNASO’s operations from EANNASO’s board of governors to
supporting PLHA networks at national and regional levels. EANNASO’s workshops
always include PLHAs. EANNASO HIV and AIDS policy and legislation project is
one of the signs of how it works in fighting against stigma and



We agreed that we do very well in gender at the secretariat but have faired relatively poorly
programmatically. The reason for this may be due to the type of organization
is at regional level. However, some of us felt that we could at least
implement 2 – 3 activities at an annual basis that is gender related so as to
promote gender amongst our members. EANNASO would like to learn how other
regional organizations have mainstreamed gender in its programmatic work.

Organizational behavior


We saw EANNASO between 3 and 4 as the systems are there we know them and follow them but at times
retract showing that we are not fully at 4. The team agreed to leave EANNASO
on the level 3.

Monitoring and evaluation and documentation


As we are assessing ourselves based on the old strategic plan, EANNASO has many of the hints in
level 3 but could not fit there as we still implemented based n the needs in
the strategic plan. However, EANNASO is a learning organization and has been
able to incorporate in its operations changes within the environment. EANNASO
needs to continuously evaluate itself against change and include its members
in final plans.

Inclusion and representation


The team felt that EANNASO was doing well in inclusion and partnership but fell short when it
came to communities and CSOs participate and partners with us and together we
express solidarity. EANNASO at times moves at a greater speed than its



EANNASO major area of service is in advocacy, information collection and dissemination, and in linking of members to technical support. EANNASO's role is to facilitate its members to provide the same to CSOs at country level.

Learning and transfer


EANNASO has a lot to transfer but has not done well in the area of documentation. This is an area
EANNASO would like to learn from other organizations. This is the same
challenge under M&E and documentation. EANNASO needs to learn from other
organizations that have done well in documentation.

The discussion above was summarized in the following Rivers Diagram:

After developing the Rivers Diagram, the following questions were asked:

a. What does the graph say about EANNASO?

- Our AIDS competency is at average and that we have very
strong areas but also have areas that require strengthening.

- We are strong on acknowledgement & recognition
(of existence of AIDS) and Stigma and discrimination which are not our core
business but area that we require as an HIV and AIDS organization.

b. What are the areas of strength that EANNASO
would like to share with other partners?

- Organizational behavior as we have gone through a
rigorous Organizational development process. EANNASO continuously reflects and
learns from its experiences. EANNASO would like to share ideas with other
members how they can also learn form their own experiences.

- Inclusion and representation – advocacy work
especially for organizations like EANNASO require supporting members in
speaking for themselves. EANNASO has a lot to share in this area.

c. What are the areas that we need to improve

- Gender mainstreaming in a regional organization

- Learning and transferring especially through

- Community ownership in terms of involving our
members more regularly in the things that we do to be AIDS Competent

d. How do the level of competency relate to us
attaining our vision?

- we are at average competency in reaching our vision

- We need to improve certain areas for us to be able
to attain our vision in the long run.

- Our vision is shared and reliant on our members.

e. What would you say about the whole process

- Useful – determines strengths and weaknesses

- gives characteristics

- allows critical analysis of self (organisation)

- Interesting

- Good simple tool

- Easy to use

- Practical evaluation tool

- Flexible – no need to be accurate allows


- The team thought as a networking body, EANNASO
should have been more competent in learning and transfer of knowledge but the
assessment results said otherwise.

- The team thought that we may have been very hard on
ourselves us such weak results in the areas that we thought we are strong in.


- The tool to be shared with all staff members at a
later stage

- To use the tool on a regular basis to evaluate how
we are fairing in all the various areas in an effort to improve our AIDS

- To link up with organizations that are doing well
in our identified areas of weakness. (Question) do these organizations need to
come from the HIVOS partnership Platform only?

Views: 57


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Comment by Gaston on October 16, 2010 at 1:27pm
Dear Olive, good sharing. I like in particular that you really took time for reflection and interpretation of the results and the River Diagram. The self-assessment results are just the start. How do we now move closer to our vision. You showed that very well.

I hope the event in Nairobi is going well. It was unfortunate you couldn't join, but we'll find other occasions.
Comment by Laurence Gilliot on October 9, 2010 at 7:17am
Hi Olive,

Thanks a lot for sharing about the process that you have gone through. Really interesting.

Do you personally think that this process was useful? Are there some new things that come out for EANNASO? Did it open a discussion that you didn't have before?


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