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CLCP to change Ward-Counselors to Ward-Members or Leaders!

A Taste of SALT: Intro session of 'Support, Appreciate, Learn and Transfer' (SALT) for ASHA or Ward Counselors as they are now re-designated, at the Family Health Center, Noolpuzha, Wayanad. This group of Ward Counselors will practice and facilitate SALT and Community Life Competence Process (CLCP) in their work and life to achieve the dreams of their respective communities or wards in reducing Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in Noolpuzha Panchayat of Wayanad District, in Kerala, India.

What I will remember for long is from the After Event Retrospection (AER) when Shyma said, "Before today, we knew about Salt, but after today's session we know there are three versions of SALT!"  Shyma meant that each letter of the acronym SALT represents three words:
Support, Stimulate, Share, apart from Strength;
Appreciate, Analyze, Act;
Listen, Learn, Link;
Trust, Team, Transfer;

It is a win-win situation for Ward-Counselors. They are in charge of a ward which roughly have 250 houses, or 1000 population. Thus by using CLCP as their approach to their ward or neighbours, they motivate their neighbours to do their work! Thus, when the community follows CLCP, the work of the Ward-Counselor becomes easy!

A lighter moment came when I remarked, that once their neighbours or community follow CLCP, the Ward Counselors will be popular in every household. Consequently, the people of the ward will elect their Ward-Counselors as their Ward-Members to represent their ward in the Village Panchayat!

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Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on October 19, 2018 at 10:47am

Best wishes as you take on this journey. I look forward to learning from you and the ward counsellors and ASHAs.

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