I am Chamroeun, age 27 years old, my hometown at Kampot Province. I have experiece working on the field of HIV/AIDS and Health related issues almost 10 years. Recently, I work as Strengthening Strategic Information from Civil Society to ptomote Universal Access (STICS) Project Manager for a network of civil society organization working on HIV/AIDS and Health related issues call HIV/AIDS Coordinating Committee (HACC).
My dream:
I dream to see the people around the world lives with peacefully situation, help each other, and support each other. Especially, people around the world will have the equal right, chance, opportunity, treated fairly in society, and able to access the services or resources affected their lives.
I'm proud of:
I am proud to be a member of AIDS competence, and proud of people who initiated this importance platform that can gather people to share experiences, knowledge, skill, and action aiming at help other people.
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Welcome Chameroeun, I am sure we can learn from each other. HACC already has a network of NGOs working on response to HIV/ AIDS. Think how powerful they could be if they all learn and share!
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A very happy birthday Chamroen! All my best wishes.
Happy birthday!
Welcome to Aidscompetence!
Look forward to seeing more and more Cambodian experiences shared here!
We hope you will enjoy the opportunity to communicate with friends, colleagues and like minded people in all parts of the world.
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Again, we are very happy to have your voice on Aids Competence and look forward to your contributions.
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Warm regards,