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Three indigenous villages did not hesitate after being trained in community life competence. The three villages nearby three lovely lakes took action on December 2, 2010 to conduct awareness session with parents related alcohol / drug abuse, school drop-outs and STIs.

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Comment by Autry Haynes on December 6, 2010 at 1:05am
Dear Rituu, this is the "river diagram" top of photo is numbered 1-5 of competence level while to the left of the photo from top to bottom are numbered the ten practices. Each group representing the three villages [Mainstay, Tapakuma and Capoey] scored their level of competency. For this exercise Mainstay had two groups because of the number of participants from that village. It was interesting that after the conclusion pf the river diagram exercise, the two groups discussed the scores to understand the group's thinking for each practice. They then agree to a common score of competence. it is from this exercise that communties determine the next level they would to aspire to and thereby develop action plans by applying SMART principle after prioritizing the practices.
Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on December 5, 2010 at 4:29pm
Dear Autry,

Thanks for sharing about the Community Action Day in the three villages which brought to light very serious issues. Who were the participants? both youth and their parents? If yes, how different were their dreams. I enjoyed the photographs. I am curious about this photo. What was this exercise?

Warm regards,


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