Khmer Red Cross showed the business
benefits to casinos
The Cambodian Red Cross HIV/AIDS Program has worked though 5
casinos on a range of HIV/AIDS prevention among casino workers in
Svay Reing province near the Cambodia-Vietnam border and Phnom Penh
Municipality by focusing on risk reduction strategies, increasing
access for casinos staff to VCCT/STI and other health services,
helping to build a supportive environment to promote HIV/AIDS
prevention by engaging establishment management teams and building
the capacity of Red Cross staff, casino workers, peer educators and
other stakeholders to better plan, implement and mange HIV/AIDS
Prevention programs.
We conducted a SALT visit in teams of 3 people to learn from the
real situation related to risk behavior among casinos workers
though meeting, and interview with casinos manager, and casinos
workers. From the meeting and interview we leant that the
involvement from casino managers, government, and red cross are
important to support and provide good environment for casinos
workers to participate in HIV/AIDS activities. From this learning,
Cambodian Red Cross HIV/AIDS Program invite casinos management team
to participate in sensitizing meeting for sharing experience and
make them understand of benefit for business related to HIV
Now the casinos owner and managers are opening the gate for Red
Cross to conduct training of peer educators, arrange time for
casinos workers to participate in training, provide good place and
refreshment for training, also support of condom promotion in
casinos such as put condom box inside of casinos where is clients
and casinos workers easy to access. More ever casinos workers get
good support transportation and free of charge to access VCCT and
STI clinic of health center and NGO's clinic. This is a good
success from the story of learning and transferring between
Cambodian Red Cross as Humanitarian Organization, non-profit and
Casino is a business company to find a profit.
Love is more positive than HIV
A Pakistani man went to work in Middle East. He was earning well
there. One day he got sick and went to see a doctor. The next day
he was put in jail. He had no idea what was going on. He was told
later that he was HIV positive and immediately deported to
Pakistan. He was in a lowest point of his life when he came back to
Pakistan. He told his wife and she was supportive and encouraged
him to lead an active life. Today he is an activist raising
awareness on HIV among many people through our NGO.
"Desperate housewives no more"
In Sept 2007, I joined ACP and my life has never been the same
since. My boss told me to attend the kick-off event in Manila so
that I will learn something related to my new assignment -
coordinator for ADB- funded project. I entered the ACP learning
event with zero knowledge on HIV and AIDS except for textbook
definition of the acronyms In May 2008, I received another
assignment - coordinator on women and HIV. Today, I have helped in
molding a group of women in two places in the Philippines to be
peer educators. One group known as Craftstruck Club of Seamen's
Village, launched themselves on World AIDS Day as Women's Circle of
Seamen's Village.
They conducted their kick-off seminar called LET's BE SAFE - HIV 1
on 1 for female spouses of seafarers on 1 Dec 2008. They want me to
help them propose to shipping agencies that they want to conduct
seminars to the wifes of other seafarers. Beyond the project, these
ladies want to put to good use the empowerment ADB brought about
for them. They are "Desperate housewives no more", but empowered
women taking control of their lives, their health and their
Sharing the Story of how a million Sri
Lankans seized the Opportunity to Give themselves Access to Clean
Water and Sanitation
The project was to be demand-driven by beneficiaries, usually the
poorest strata in the country, from the very start. Beneficiaries
were given responsibility for: choosing the type of water supply
and sanitation technology they wanted and needed to be implemented
communicating the level of service they were willing and able to
pay for assisting in the very planning and design of the project
contributing time and labor and even materials to construct it
taking over the management of the system once the project is
completed so there is continuing operation and maintenance to
ensure sustainability for their future well-being. The scale of the
project was far flung over six districts in central, western, and
southern Sri Lanka. The project developed water and sanitation
facilities in urban and mainly rural communities covering about 1
million people, of whom nearly 2/5ths live below the poverty
Fundamental to the project implementation was to make sure that
community-based organizations (CBOs) got involved right from the
project planning stage so that they could assume responsibility for
the choices they had made. During early consultations, to which all
stakeholders and beneficiaries were invited, the CBOs chose the
type of water supply schemes and sanitation that suited most their
village and based on what they were willing and able to pay for.
This was the very step in the communities' empowerment. For most
rural households, which had never had proper water supply or
sewerage facility, and had to suffer waterborne diseases and high
rate of infant mortality and morbidity as a result, this was the
first time they could choose what type of facilities they wanted.
In making their choices, the CBOs were assisted by technical
experts not only from the NGOs but also from the local government
and National Water Supply and Drainage Board as to what was
technically suitable. The discussions became a learning process for
all parties.
The project's success in empowering communities and providing
sustainable access to clean water and sanitation facilities has
made it a case study of how engaging beneficiaries in join decision
making can strengthen development results. ADB has shared its story
through many channels, including a video, compilation of
participatory projects, participation toolkit, and presentation at
various forums within the bank and to external audiences. [See: