Action: Online discussion mini-series I: TB and Children
Stop-TB eForum Resource Team
[Mods note: To JOIN the global Stop-TB eForum, send an email to:
. To read the first announcement of the online discussion, go to:
. Thanks]
Dear members,
As you know, the global Stop-TB eForum is hosting an online consultation/ dialogue, on key issues impeding TB and HIV collaborative
activities in local contexts, from 2nd July to 6th of August 2010. This is a
period during which the XVIII International AIDS Conference (IAC) shall also be
held in Vienna, Austria. This online consultation/ dialogue gives people
dealing with TB and HIV an opportunity to SPEAK THEIR WORLD, and inform the
issue-framework which the Key Correspondents team facilitated by the
International HIV/AIDS Alliance shall use on-site at the XVIII IAC in Vienna.
The issues flagged by the members shall also shape the coverage generated by
citizen journalists of other networks like Citizen News Service (CNS).
MINI-SERIES I: TB and Children
From 2nd to 9th of July 2010, members are encouraged to share their perspectives and experiences on issues related to TB in children.
- diagnosing TB in children
- preventing TB in children
- TB infection control and children
- treating TB in children
- TB-HIV co-infection and children
Members comments are most welcome.
Stop-TB eForum Resource Team