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Dear All,


Several members have suggested that we can have a logo for Community action day. Marjolein from Netherlands has kindly offered to design the logo.


Any suggestions for the logo? What should it represent, what would catch the eye and what would tug the heart? Look forward to your feedback.




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Hi all,

I thing for something that can express the "strength of a group"  something that shows you gain by sharing, being together.


Jeanne d'Arc 

A big thanks to all friends who gave inputs for the logo. I have collated the suggestions and emailed to Marjolein.

Merci Marjolein pour cette proposition de logo.

Je pense ceci: Les 4 mains peuvent porter le cercle qui  represente le monde entier et ses diversités (partage) . Le coeur au centre du cercle montre l'interet  qu'on ceux qui portent ce monde. Ensuite le message doit etre repris avec un caractere lisible.



Thanks to Marjolein  for the beginning of the proposed logo. 

 I thing that the four hands can held the circle that represents the world and its diversity. The heart in the center of the circle shows the interest and one vision  that those who wear this world . Then the message must be repeated with a visible characters.
thank you


Merci Marjolein pour cette proposition de logo.
Je pense ceci: Les 4 mains peuvent porter le cercle qui represente le monde entier et ses diversités (partage) . Le coeur au centre du cercle montre l'interet qu'on ceux qui portent ce monde. Ensuite le message doit etre repris avec un caractere lisible.

Thanks to Marjolein for the beginning of the proposed logo.

I thing that the four hands can held the circle that represents the world and its diversity. The heart in the center of the circle shows the interest and one vision that those who wear this world . Then the message must be repeated with a visible characters.
thank you

Je trouve bien complet le logo de Marjolein



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